Going to start weaning Ryan


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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He's 4 months now and I was going to wait until 6 months cos he's never really been keen on milk so there was no point trying food.

Anyway, he's started chewing everything and waking for a 2am feed again instead of sleeping through. He always seems hungry so Im assuming its time to start weaning him.

I cant remember how I started Josh off, Im planning on trying Ryan with a bit of food at his dinner time feed at first then increasing it to twice a day when he's used to it.

How much do I give him, like how many spoonfuls? Do I try before his bottle or after? All the books and websites give different advice :?
You're quite right - everybody's rule book DOES seem to be different - and if you think that is bad, try looking at traditions in weaning in other countries! :shock: In Spain, for instance, they recommend starting with fruit, in uk it seems to be baby rice. I will tell you what i find seems to work, but every baby, and every mom is different.

I have started Anais on a little fruit puree, and find that

a) deff before b/f or bottle - otherwise LO is not hungry enough to try
b) dont wait until babe is too hungry ie crying - then they dont want anything but their usual
c) dont try a meal when babe is very tired, like your evening meal because if the child is a little stroppy, he/she wont want to experiment at all
d) Remember the spoon is a whole new ball game for him - play a bit with it a couple of days before you start
e) The first few days he may only want a couple of spoonfuls - dont worry, at the beginning it isnt about eating, but about creating a new and hopefully pleasurable habit.

Hope this helps

:hug: :hug:
The annabel Karmel book was like my bible have a look about buying 1 of them
Kirsty I am starting Maia on solids tomorrow! She is doing the same things as Ryan.

I am going to give her a little puree'd carrot at lunchtime (a teaspoon or two) and a bit of baby rice at dinner time.

I had an NHS weaning workshop on Monday and they said that the only reason the guidelines were changed from 4 months to 6 months is because they want women in developing countries to breastfeed for longer because the water isn't as clean.

Let me know how you get on.

P.S. I think its best to start with veggies and introduce fruit after a few weeks.
cant really help kirsty but good luck with it :hug:
ill be asking tips from u when i start weaning melissa :)
When I started weaning Libby, I gave her a teaspoon of rice mixed with her milk at lunchtime, gave her a little bit of bottle first so she wasn't too hungry, then just gave her a couple of mothfuls of rice. I dropped the milk first after a day or two.
Week 2 I started giving her rice in the morning around 10.30am and then again at about 4.30pm
Week 3 increased to 2 x rice & one veg puree
Week 4 changed to 1 x porridge, 1 x veg, 1 x rice
Week 5 she's on 1 x porridge, 1 x veg/ pureed dinner, 1 x rice mixed with fruit
i gave D about half a dozen spoonfuls of pureed veg at lunchtime first week,lunch and tea second week then doubled it third week... I find if i increase it too much he gets constipated..

I mixed pureed veg with breast milk at first so it seemed familiar.

D usually whines and turns his head away when he has had enough now..he always pulls a face at his first mouthful like i am poisoning him even if its his favorite :wall:
We started yesterday, he had a few spoonfuls of food with his breakfast and dinner time bottle.

Today he had a little bit with breakfast but at dinner time we were out so I decided to give him some with his tea time bottle instead.

Anyway, he started twisting 2 hours after dinner as though he was hungry so I tried him on a little bit of bottle first. He wouldnt take any. I tried him on the food first and planned to give him the bottle after.

He took 1/2 jar of food, I wasnt planning on giving him that much but he loved it and screamed everytime I took it away.

Then came the problem, he still wouldnt have his bottle. He cant be full cos he's still twisting but he just wont take it.

I've had to put him down for a minute cos he's just whinging on and on and on and I dont know what he wants.

Now I feel like the whole weaning thing has gone wrong :(
Similar thing happened with Maia this evening. I think they just aren't used to feeling full!

No going back now!
D deffo would of taken more when i started weaning but it is there system getting used to food aswell as satisfying there apetite..

It hasn't gone wrong , it takes time to figure it out...Like you said all the books say something different so it is trial and error till you find what works for you

It hasn't gone wrong hun, Libby still has days where she won't take milk after food, or take much milk all day somedays.....its them adjusting.

Just let him take the lead, tomorrow try again, he'll get there hun :hug:
Oh my goodness what a terrible time we had with Ryan last night :shock:

He SCREAMED the place down from about 5 o clock right up until 10 o clock. He wouldnt have a bottle and nothing would settle him.

Its either his teeth bothering him or it was the food that gave him a bad tummy. He wouldnt drink any milk or anything. He finally wanted a bottle at 4.30am.

OH said he doesnt want him to have anymore food cos he thinks that was the problem (his mum said they shouldnt have it til 6 months anyway :roll: )

Not sure what to do now. Do I stop and try again in a few weeks or just stick with it (but obviously not let him eat too much!) :think:
If it's giving him belly ache then why not stop for a couple of weeks and try him again when he's digestive system is a bit more mature? Or maybe it's something you've tried him with that isn't agreeing with him?

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