Going to be Induced :S


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2010
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Has anyone else already been told if they are going to be induced?

I have been told yesterday I will be since I am diabetic I was actually looking forward to giving birth naturally. But I never know he might make a surprise appearence before x

Just wondering what its going to be like? Since my mum was and she ended up having a C-sec, She had 4 with all of us :S x

Peace out x
I was indiced 2ce. Both were totally different experiences so I guess there's no telling what it will be like.

The second time I was more prepared and had read up on hypno birthing which gave me more of a 'natural' experience in my head, even though I was strapped up to moniters and drips throughout the whole thing x
I only had a pessary and had a good experience with being induced :) nice fast labour, not attached to drip and didnt spend much time on a monitor. Only ended in a csection as she was stuck and back to back which had nothing to do with induction. x
Sorry I have no experience of inductions but I have gestational diabetes and the main thing that upset my when I found out is that I would be induced 2 weeks early to prevent baby being too big. I felt that all I had wished for for the birth was taken away and that it would now have to be the way the medical staff wanted, so fully sympathise with you.
However I spoke to other people I know who are diabetic and a few have managed not to be induced as their baby wasnt too big or that they naturally went into labour before they were induced.

I suppose each situation is assessed separately so just see how you're getting on. Are you getting any additional growth scans etc?

I get induced early because i have what they call preticipate and silent labours, basically my labours are extremely fast and i dont feel the contractions till 2nd stage, so basically they try and make sure i dont go into labour on my own somewhere like tesco's lol. I have actually only managed to be induced with two of my babies though, which was my 1st and 2nd, 1st waters were leaking so induced me after 2 days, 3rd i had prem, 4th i turned up to be induced to be found 6cm dilated didn't even know i was in labour again I had her 10 mins later, then my last one i went in to be induced and i wasn't ready so said come back next week few days later my waters broke luckily enough so they took me in and just waited for my labour to start they wouldn't touch me cause they said i would go off like a bomb hence me having him on induction ward and hubby vertually delivering him.
I didn't find my labour with my 1st and 2nd any different to the others, they were actually all the same except my 5th i had stitches with him and none of the others but thats bcause he came that fast he just ripped his way out.
Sorry I have no experience of inductions but I have gestational diabetes and the main thing that upset my when I found out is that I would be induced 2 weeks early to prevent baby being too big. I felt that all I had wished for for the birth was taken away and that it would now have to be the way the medical staff wanted, so fully sympathise with you.
However I spoke to other people I know who are diabetic and a few have managed not to be induced as their baby wasnt too big or that they naturally went into labour before they were induced.

I suppose each situation is assessed separately so just see how you're getting on. Are you getting any additional growth scans etc?


Yeah I am having additional scans, I have the heart one next week :) and i was told I'd have one at 28 weeks too. Thats the only upside to the diabetes to me lol I get to see my baby develop a lot more than normal people who only get the standard two scans :D x:dance:
ive not been told but i had a blood clot on my lung when i was 18 and im 23 now so they are keepin a close eye on me they have told me i have to start havin injections every day in my tum and also i might not be able to have a needle in the spine when it comes to labour so i have a feelin im gonna have a c-section
ive not been told but i had a blood clot on my lung when i was 18 and im 23 now so they are keepin a close eye on me they have told me i have to start havin injections every day in my tum and also i might not be able to have a needle in the spine when it comes to labour so i have a feelin im gonna have a c-section

Sorry if I'm being stupid here but would you have to have your c-section under general anesthetic if they couldn't put a needle in your spine?
i was induced with my first and third, my first because he was nearly 2 weeks late and they thought he was getting distressed slightly, I just had a pessary and my contractions never really got regular until just before i stared pushing he took 16 hours from start to finish, my second boy was natural and took 12 hours from my first contraction but they came every 3 min from the beginning and my 3rd little boy they started to induce me at 34 weeks and i was starting to have some contractions but when they checked me in the morning to give me my 2nd pessary he had flipped round and was breech, so he ended up being an emergency section.
I guess if you are getting induced Miss CC that answers the question of which one of us will pop first! :)
eh you never know lol you might have early labour too :S x we shall see hehe x
No, the hospital here won't tell you the sex so we will be team yellow until its born - saying that, both me and hubby are convinced its a boy!
If my baba doesnt make an appearence early and the doctors concur with the midwife, I will be induced somewhere between 38-40 weeks because of my SPD, I'm slightly concerned as baby seems to be very stubborn and has been back-to-back for a good while now, I don't mind the idea of an induction but a c-section scares the poop outta me.

Yeah I really am scared about a c sec not a fan of being awake while they do it :(
Don't worry girls - nothing to worry about in a section!!! really is just fine and dandy:dance: you get your baby within 10 mins , you don't see any messy stuff , no pain during, drugs for afterwards, your hair looks good after, you get a tidy floof shave and you don't even have to get up for a wee till they take your wee bag out! how lasy is that

I am scared silly of going into labour and not having a sccoby doo what to do!:roll:

wonder if I will pop before my section this time,!! arghhh I made them give me a telephone number I can ring over xmas If I'm not sure whats occuring or I think it's started , when everywheres closed for xmas - I'm that paranoid!
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