going on holiday next week. any advice?


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2008
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my DH and me are going to Greece next week for a week's holiday and to celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary.

i will be about 10 weeks pregnant then and thinking if you can give me any advice on what to be careful, any greek food i should avoid, any of your experiences... etc

I have no idea lol, but i thought id just say, have a nice time, greece is a lovel place :)
19&alone said:
I have no idea lol, but i thought id just say, have a nice time, greece is a lovel place :)

Thank you. i have no idea about greek food. booked holidays a long time ago and now i will have to be so careful!!!! :wink:
I got back from a week in Cyprus last week and had a wonderful time!

I ate pretty much what I wanted, but avoided the obvious things that you are not supposed to eat just as a matter of course!

Greek/Cypriot food is delicious, and enjoy all the lovely fresh salads (Feta cheese is fine to eat by the way)!!

I kept my bump in the shade most of the day, but still went swimming etc.

Just be warned you burn more easily when you are pregnant, and I did wear tankinis, so my bump wasnt exposed to the sun at all (although I have a rather large bump). I spent lots of time in the pool swimming and being pregnant didnt really affect my holiday at all!

Have a wonderful holiday!
your not to expose baby bump to the sun? or eat cheese? :| see im so bad with this stuff. I thought all would be fine. lol
EllieBelle said:
I got back from a week in Cyprus last week and had a wonderful time!

I ate pretty much what I wanted, but avoided the obvious things that you are not supposed to eat just as a matter of course!

Greek/Cypriot food is delicious, and enjoy all the lovely fresh salads (Feta cheese is fine to eat by the way)!!

I kept my bump in the shade most of the day, but still went swimming etc.

Just be warned you burn more easily when you are pregnant, and I did wear tankinis, so my bump wasnt exposed to the sun at all (although I have a rather large bump). I spent lots of time in the pool swimming and being pregnant didnt really affect my holiday at all!

Have a wonderful holiday!

i wasnt sure if i could eat feta cheese. that's great!!!!
can't i sunbathe if pg? i haven't got a bump yet, just the little 'fatty' water retention mini bump i think. :rotfl: i imagine if i have a high protection sun cream will be ok? i don't usually stay in the sun for long anyway but i burn very easily.
i just feel like i need to be so careful!!!! i haven't been myself since i found out i was pg!!!!! i imagine once in there i will forget it (and i'll try to leave the :puke: back home.....

thank you
Yes you can sunbathe - I came back a lovely colour, although spent a lot of time in the shade - it was over 100 degrees in Cyprus last week and Im guessing very similar in Greece (Im usually a real sun worshipper but my body couldnt cope with the heat as well as it normally does :D ). Oh I wish I was still splashing around in the pool, and relaxing :D

Its just soft cheeses you cant eat, and feta is pasturised, so its fine (check out the link below)!

http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/n ... eseexpert/

Just have a great time, as it may be the last quiet holiday you have for some time :D

Bon Voyage.......
Im goin 2 Turkey for 2 weeks on the 28th. Advice-wear support stockings when flying,drink plenty bottled water and walk about on flight. Be careful of what you are eating. Keep bump covered at highest temps in the day, and wear a high factor sun cream at all times. Enjoy ur holiday!! :)

I live in Greece (Corfu) and was preggie here, there isnt really any greek food that you should stay clear of, as others have said Feta is ok to eat (unless it's homemade).

The weather here has just broken and its cooler than it was with a few thunderstorms (which is normal for this time of year) so i would advise a couple of jumpers/jacket as the evenings do get quite chilly and damp.

have a lovely hol
Just be sure to ask whether the feta or halloumi cheese is homemade or not. If you're somewhere rural it might be made locally and therefore be unpasturized - if it's properly manufactured and bought in a packet you'll be fine as it will be made with pasturized milk. And drink loads and loads of bottled water!

I'm so jealous - was in Thassos a couple of months back (in fact it was where we conceived :wink:), and I would love to go back!

Enjoy your hols! :D
Thank you all for your info!!!!

i'm happy that i can eat relatively everything!!!! (i'll still look at the labels....)
just hoping the weather is not bad... i need some sun (for the vitamin C he he)

talk soon

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