hi skidoo, you are in exactly the same boat as i was on tuesday. i ahd high bp and protein in my urine and severe swollen legs. exactly same symptoms but i felt fine. went in for monitoring. they put a fetal heart monitor on to check bubbs heart beat, take blood to check protein in blood and take more urine samples. monitor your bp every hour or so to check how it is over a couple of hours. i was in for 6 hours as the lab was short staffed so bloods didnt get done too quick. they may also tell you to go back for a scan like i went yesterday so you can see bubba. they measure baby to see if protein has affected growth, they may even be able to tell you weight of baby. just be aware that if everything isnt as they like you may be kept in so id take bag with you if you can just incase. plus take food and a drink as they dont really like you walking around too much. hope this helps darlin, dont worry you will be in the best place and at least they have spotted it!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxx