going home outfit

Vicki & Nathan

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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i have finally got around to packing my hospital bag this weekend. as its going to be beginning of july what type of outfit do you think i should pack to bring him home in? i dont want anything thats going to be too hot but i dont want to pack something which isnt enough.
what do you think?
I am planning on a baby vest and/ or baby grow, scratch mitts and a thin summer hat for baby to travel home in. No point in getting a special outfit (in my opinion!) as the hospital is 5 mins drive away and they will prob throw up in the car anyway!
at the mo in summer weather,Sam cries if he has more than a little suit like this one on...be careful not to over bake them or you'll have a moany ride home :D

What a gorgeous little baby you have kirly kird :D

If it's as hot as today I'm planning on just a little vest top and socks, and to just cover little one with a blanket in the car. I've had a baby in a hot summer before and he just wore vest tops and I kept his legs bare to keep him cool.
I had a winnie pooh babygrow to take Dylan home in but it was too big for him when he was born...to be honest i just wanted to get home and didn't care what he wore.

I cared more when he had visitors
I love those summer short romper suits!! :D

I'm planning a homebirth so hopefully will have his entire wardrobe at my disposal but I've been packing a hospital bag recently also (just incase) and in there have popped a vest, babygrow, little socks, scratch mitts, a thin hat (newborns loose so much heat through their head) and a blanket. We also live just 30 seconds from the hospital so if it's "wrong" we'll be home in 2 seconds anyway - we don't even need the car (unless it pee's with rain DH can run around the corner and get it!!) :rotfl:

Oh the vest and babygrow I've packed two of eact in 2 different sizes as you never know whether LO will be nearer 6/7lbs or 9/10lbs and some newborn things are only up to say 8lbs, other newborn outfits go to 11lbs etc.
Nicola said:
I've been packing a hospital bag recently also (

wow - that is organised.... I started to buy a few things, really must get on with sorting that. DH is away this weekend so will do it then.

Socks and blanket, just in case, forgot them! I guess you don't know what time of day it is going to be so best to take more than you are going to need I guess incase it is the middle of the night when you come home!
I have some light dresses and romper suits with no legs on them. Will be that, no heavy stuff, you can over dress a baby easily.
vicki1983 said:
i have finally got around to packing my hospital bag this weekend.

I did mine too - only its not so much of a bag as a suitcase! By the time I had got everything together, including towels which you apparently have to supply yourself, there was far too much for a holdhall, so into the case it went. The baby's bag is ok - quite small in comparason. They said to take a separate bag for me and the baby, but it seemed more sensible to have a labour bag and a ward case so we don't clutter up the labour ward too much - I can leave the case in the car and sneak it in when we go to the labour ward.

As for the going home outfit, I have taken some lovely little dungarees which can go with a short or long sleeved body suit, depending on the temperature, and a selection of hats, mitts and socks. My midwife said they would need to be covered up even if it was warm because they lose so much body heat - I had assumed that they would be too hot in long sleeves if it was warm out. I have also made sure that it is an outfit I bought rather than anyone else, so as not to show favoritism to either grandparent!
Well done everyone who's so prepared already. :) I haven't thought about the hospital bag yet.

We were given a list of things to bring during the parentcraft workshop on Saturday. Also, when we had a tour, the MW stressed 3 times how we shouldn't bring too much in as there was no room on the ward. :(

Arianna was born on the 15th July during a heat wave so I took het home in just a short romper suit and a little sun hat. I also had a thin blanket over her.

I keep packing and unpacking mine lol.
Keep changing my mind. I now have one very light sleeper incase its not too hot and a bunch of different diaper shirts , socks ect
Kiara was a winter baby os it was easy i just bundled her :)

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