Going back to work


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2013
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I'm due to start back at work tomorrow and I'm a nervous wreck this evening. I'm terrified of going back which is totally irrational. I'm in such a state.

I've been off since the scan when my world changed forever.. I had planned on going back last week but couldn't do it so I can't put it off any longer but I'm panicking now.

I feel sick thinking about having to face people and having to answer questions, I just know I'm going to fall apart.

Any words of advice?

Best advice I can give you is just take your time and if it gets to much just go for a walk. When I went back to work I was scared of all the questions and hugs but to be honest I didn't get any questions as I think a lot of people were scared to ask me incase I started crying! They just let me get back into swing of things and keep my mind occupied. Hope it goes well for you xxx
Thank you. I'm sat here in floods of tears, just about to leave now.

Lots of deep breaths, I know it'll be ok. Don't know why I'm so scared, they are all lovely people.

Good luck Hun, take all the time you need. It's ok to still be upset. Thinking of you x
Oh good luck honey! One day at a time! Xxx
Well I've made it as far as lunchtime - not without tears mind!

My boss, in his infinite wisdom decided that he would arrange a meeting with our accountant and some other people this morning to go through what I've missed whilst I've been off. I wasn't expecting to be confronted by quite so many people this morning - all of which know what has been going on so that was hard and caused a few little breakdowns each time somebody turned up.

I feel totally exhausted now. I've agreed with the boss that I can work from home a couple of days a week until I am more with it.

Glad I came in today though, even though its been really hard the initial step has been taken and I can only get better from now.

Thanks as always for all of your support. I'd lost without this forum

Today was the hardest day of going back to work! Each day will get easier trust me. Thinking of u, sending big hugs xxx
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Crikey, you did amazingly well to get back so soon Gemma :shock:. Not surprised you had some breakdowns along the way, but well done for what you did. I always found it easier to get back quickly as although its upsetting to have to face people, I think for me it would have got worse the longer I was off.

Distraction can't be a bad thing, but don't exhaust yourself. xxx
Thanks ladies

Some of my family said I was mad to go back but I found myself wallowing in self pity when I was at home, going back to work will hopefully bring back some normality and routine and also make me focus on other things.

I'm lucky to have such an understanding boss and the flexibility to work from home so I'm doing a couple of days at home and a couple of days at the office.

In all honesty I am just grateful to have a distraction as we have Leo's funeral next Tuesday and every time I think about that I fall to pieces so at least working again is keeping my brain occupied.


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