God I am SO lucky!


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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I am at home and OH is at work. All of a sudden the doorbell rang and there was a guy with a parcel wanting my signature. So I opened the box and there was a massive bouquet of flowers. And there was a message: "To My Darling Berit,
Thank you for making me a father for the second time. I am so happy and want you to know that no matter what we face in life, we are stronger together.
Love you forever


The flowers are called Pink Sugarbush. They are 5 large protea flower heads, a symbol of strength in Africa, complemented by silvery-grey brunia. I wanted to symbol strenghth in our relationship and that we can face anything together (the protea heads), the silver grey- to denote getting old together! And obviously pink is someone's favourite colour"

I cried like a baby!!!
ahhh how wonderful!!! Youre a lucky lady! :)

You do realise youve put a lot of men in the doghouse tonight!! :rofl:
Hahaha, I guess I will survive the remaining 8 months if he treats me like that :lol: Now that he has started it there'll be no end :lol: x
:lol: The weirdest thing is that he has actually always been like that, I hardly ever have to remind him that I need attention or some treating, yesterday we went shopping and he bought me lots of beautiful maternity clothes :dance:
Right... I'm gonna accidently let my OH see this. :D

I want pretty clothes and flowers!!!
ahh sounds like youve got a lovely man there! Its the day of the welsh patron saint of love today, dydd santes dwynwen, valentines day in wales! But thanks to clinton cards we forget it every year and just have valentines day in febrary. Maybe you OH sensed it?! ;)
:rofl: I had no idea that the welsh celebrate it today! How interesting! He might have sensed it! Or maybe he sensed that I was cranky yesterday and decided to save his ass :rofl: We are gonna go to Bruges on Friday for my birthday, we shall see how special he will make it :lol:
lucky lady!! I haven't had flowers for years lol!!
awww that is so lovely! He'd obviously put a lot of thought into it :cloud9:
ahhh how wonderful!!! Youre a lucky lady! :)

You do realise youve put a lot of men in the doghouse tonight!! :rofl:

My OH is just looking at me blankly now!
awe, that is sooo thoughtful, give him a pat on the back from me xx
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