OK I'm trying to be super organised....

kitchen sink hahaaa

aw bless you, you have definatly thought of every thing and more besides, with my first i was like this..................i wont be like it this time,

ill buy as i need, baby bath i didnt use at all i used kitchen bowl coz it was perfect size to lug about after my section (not to big) then when baba was a little bigger he was in bath with me

nappy bin, i found i filled the kitchen bin up that fast with things for baby that it got changed twice a day anyway so no need for nappy bin, just more work

i think its nice to get every thing like u have done, obviuosly its so excituing
but i just didnt use it all so wont be doing it again this time x
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Bepanthen is better than sudacrem it works much fast and is way easier to put on too

instead of loads of knickers just buy disposable knickers as they can just be thrown away instead of taking loads of knickers home to wash x you wont win any sexiest knickers awards though lol

Glad there's someone else out there that's discovered Bepanthen! Loads of people I know still use Sudocrem. If Joseph was teething & we'd not used Bepanthen his bum used to get so sore & if we applied Bepanthen to his sore bum, the following day you could see such a huge improvement (no redness). Worth every penny in my opinion & once you've tried it you'll never go back to using anything else.

Sunnyb xxx

i used that on my tattoo to help it heal

i found tho that with my son sudocream made his bum alot worse
and Bepanthen didnt really help much either, i found matainium (in yellow tube) id put it on that night an next day nappy rash had gone! it was amazinggg i swear by the stuff now x
Wow! I have not bought a single thing yet and this just made me realise how much I will need. I hope you don't mind if I pinch this list! I am going to wait until after the 20 week scan but we have been looking into all the different prams available. I think we are going to get the silver cross 3d but just holding off another few weeks to buy it.
Bepanthen is better than sudacrem it works much fast and is way easier to put on too

instead of loads of knickers just buy disposable knickers as they can just be thrown away instead of taking loads of knickers home to wash x you wont win any sexiest knickers awards though lol

Sounds like bepanthen gets the mums seal of approval
I was just going to buy cheap cotton knickers and chuck them afterwards anyway - thought they might be a bit more sturdy and supportive than disposable ones and shouldn't cost much if I get a bumper pack from somewhere like primark! :)
kitchen sink hahaaa

aw bless you, you have definatly thought of every thing and more besides, with my first i was like this..................i wont be like it this time,

ill buy as i need, baby bath i didnt use at all i used kitchen bowl coz it was perfect size to lug about after my section (not to big) then when baba was a little bigger he was in bath with me

nappy bin, i found i filled the kitchen bin up that fast with things for baby that it got changed twice a day anyway so no need for nappy bin, just more work

i think its nice to get every thing like u have done, obviuosly its so excituing
but i just didnt use it all so wont be doing it again this time x

sounds like nappy bin might be a waste of pennies then - anyone think they are a good idea or is the concensus not to bother? x
it depends they are very hygenic but i just found my self never using it lol in end it would be one more bin to change haha
Jodied,I'm all for the nappy bins ! It's been highly recommended to me by friends and leaving in a flat I can't put dirty nappies outside straight away...I'm extremely sensitive when it comes to smells ( I know I'm in for a treat, lol) and it seems to be the most hygienic solution ...but yes it is not indispensable,that's just me !
Wookie I totally agree. It all depends on where you live & circumstances. Joseph had a nappy bin but our house is 2 storey & I spent most of my time downstairs & could get to the outside bins easily enough. So our nappy bin was a waste of money. But for people in flats & bungalows it's more likely they'll be used. If you think you'll use it all the time - buy one, if you think you'll manage without, spend your money on something else.

Sunnyb xxx
i used my nappy bin all the time till i eventually broke it, i will get 1 again this time too because it saves running to the outside bin every 2 seconds
now ladies,the one I'm wondering about on Jodied's list is the breast pillow...I don't know anyone who has used one,is it worth spending our money on ??:eh:
i think i may have to use your very well organised list... i made one but not half as detailed... thank you :) xxx
^ good question wookie - I only added it because I've seen lots of programs on tv with women feeding using a round sort of pillow that they rest the baby on and I thought it looked helfpul but would def be interested in what you ladies think! x
gemma (rayoflight)swears by her boppy pillow i think they are called have you read her blog it so makes me want to bf
Just googled boppy pillow and those definitely look like the ones I have seen people using on the tv (which are mostly american shows). Will have to have a look at rayoflight's bf blog - started reading it the other day on my phone but it was being really slow, off to find it again now... x
Wow! I have not bought a single thing yet and this just made me realise how much I will need. I hope you don't mind if I pinch this list! I am going to wait until after the 20 week scan but we have been looking into all the different prams available. I think we are going to get the silver cross 3d but just holding off another few weeks to buy it.

my sister got this pram for my niece. it was lovely and she thought it was great at 1st but couldnt stand it towards about 6 months old. she said it was too heavy and bulky and didnt like the fact that it wasnt parent facing.

sorry if it seems like im putting a downer on it. just thought id share as might help your decision. xxx
Jodied, just thought of two more things for your list. FOR BABY: baby nail clippers/scissors and FOR HOSPITAL BAG: energy drinks/isotonic/sports drinks like lucozade or something. Loads of women have said that to me as it can really help keep you hydrated and give you much needed energy towards the end. Very good list, I will be pinching it :) x
well had a look at the 'boppy' website,the pillows are cute and you can even customise them...but surely will not any old pillow do for the job ? I think it's a miss from me...unless someone wants to buy me one :lol:..oh yeah about your list,go for a dark coloured towel for the hospital :oooo:
Thanks for everyone's suggestions and input - I've updated my lists on the first post in case anyone wants to pinch them (put the things that depend on whether you think you will use them as a question mark) xx
Just wanted to say thanks for your list! Have you got swaddling blankets on there? Apparently helps new baby sleep better as it's like been cocooned in the womb. X
Just wanted to say thanks for your list! Have you got swaddling blankets on there? Apparently helps new baby sleep better as it's like been cocooned in the womb. X

Thanks - I've got normal blankets which I was thinking I could try and swaddle with - or do you have to have special ones?

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