I have to go for one of these at 7am and typically have gotten myself worked up a bit about it and have woken up at stupid o clock!!! way way too early and so am sat here with a rumbling belly now watching the clock tick round.. taxi is booked for 6.45am. I really wanna cuppa too they've only booked me in for this cos of my age and cos my BMI was on the high side on booking in i agreed to the test at the time cos i weren't really aware of what it entailled but after fasting for 8 hours, i gotta go and have full bloods taken this morning and then have a glucose drink n then sit about for 2 hours for another lot of bloods to be taken - great! am gonna treat meself to breakfast from the cafe on my way home though! grumble grumble moan moan - right i'll shut up now xxx