glucose test at 28 week appointment


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2008
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i had my 28 week midwife appointment today,my last appointments have been pretty rubbish to say the least and i do not feel i have been checked for all the things i should have been etc (last one was at 16 weeks and she never even took my blood pressure or weighed me)
todays appointment was much better and more in depth,i *think* she did the glucose test today,i was told to take a water sample in which i did but i was not told before i had it done not to eat or anything but have since found out i should have fasted??

pls can you advise on this!? :think:

i have called my midwife to advise i did not fast and am waiting for her to get back to me!
im worried now my results came back fine when in fact they may not have been..

also she found protien in my urine and has sent another sample away for testing,is this a bad sign and should i be concerned?
she told me she thinks its a slight water infection??

any input would be greatly apprechiated! :hug:
hey there!

i didnt have to fast for my glucose test. Was it bloods you had done for the glucose? i was just asked what time I last ate something and the labs can work out that kinda thing :)
i think if you had to fast you would have been told at the appointment before... but i know its a long time between appointments and if you're anything like me,..would forget :?

as for BP they should be taking that at every appointment... if they dont I would ask them too :hug:

protein in pee can be a sign of urine infection so try not to worry.... just wait and see what the results bring, i know its hard :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi I'm sneeking in from tri 2 :wave:

I had a blood test last week (at 24 weeks) and was asked to eat a chocolate bar 2 hours before and have a normal breakfast (toast or cereal) - the doc wanted me really loaded to get a true result.

But at 28 weeks I have to go for the glucose screening test and I have to start fasting from the night before. They've told me that I will have something really sweet to drink and have my urine tested every hour for 5 hours .... So for the urine testing I think you have to be on an empty stomach. Hope I have been of some help xxxx
hi Claire :wave: just pm'd you! :D
I cant really help you with the glucose tests but can tell you that protein in the urine will just be a water infetion. Im a bit of an expert on water infections, have had them wince i was about 10! they'll come bakc with the results to confirm it and then probably put you on amoxicillin or something similar to clear it up and that will be the end of it. have you had any symptoms like mild stomach cramps or burning when you go to the loo? sometimes it doesnt come with any symptoms though. Either way its nothing to worry about, just make sure your drinking LOADS thats the best way to keep them away. They are very common in pregnancys though.
Was your blood pressure ok?

hello!! :wave:
my MW called me back today as i rang the hospital to check,she said that they only ask you to fast before it if more then 1 urine test detects glucose in your water?
as my hadn't it was just a normal non fasting one she all came back okay anyway

keelie,yes she did say she thinks i have a water infection,strange as i do suffer with them but cannot say i really feel as though i have one?

i think todays MW appt was the most in depth yet,the last one was so rushed and she didnt seem to want me to ask her any qusetions and just kept telling me to ask my GP.
i think when its your first baby you don't really know what all these tests are for and they assume you should know!
i like to ask plenty of questions but luckily the MW today seemed alot more helpful!

thanks everyone!!!!
I think it's different everywhere hun. I had my glucose test today after no previous tests or symptoms etc and I had to fast then they gave me glucosade (yuck) to drink and I had to sit there for 2 hrs when they took blood again. Having just moved from Bristol to Worcestershire it's amazing how much difference there is to things. She said that my BMI would not have been high enough to do the test here but yet it was in Bristol- in fact there's 3 points difference to what they consider a risky BMI. However my Dad has diabetes so they did it anyway. Their approach to breastfeeding seems to be totally different too, in Bristol they were fairly militant about it and I'd had several lectures about it already, up here they were of the have a go and see how you go school of thought which frankly given the bad time I had last time is probably more likely to make me feel positive about trying again as there was too much pressure to do it and do it "right" I think when I was trying with Elliott which made me very tense about it and feel very bad when I "failed".

Glad you got a better checkup


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