glandular hypospadias


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2006
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poor hayden...hes got to go to great ormond street because when he was born they said the hole he wees through is too small.
he manages to wee fine and hes had an ultrasound that showed his bladder and kidneys are normal so thats good news.

has anyone elses baby had anything like this? i hope he doesnt have to have an operation or anything :(
awwwwww hun i hope he doesnt have to go through any surgery either it must be heard for you all just to let you know were thinking of you all

let usknow how he gets on

take care hunny
Jean Adele & Colby

thank you girls :)

i'm thinking positive as everything seems fine as far as i'm concerned he can wee and his organs are fine. plus its quite a small problem there are far worse things..hes perfect in every other way i thank my lucky stars i've been blessed with a beautiful healthy baby boy when there are lots of other babies with far worse problems. it breaks my heart seeing that great ormond street advert!

I reallyhope he donthave to have surgery so far so good so hopefully it wont be serious.
Katrina :hug:
well it looks like poor lil haydens gonna have to have a little op on his willy wonka as we been calling it! :lol:

bless him, his appt isnt until oct 23rd but i been reading about it and got a seems his foreskin isnt formed totally because of his uretha being too short.. it can occur in 1 in 300 babies so technically there was more chance of me having twins than having a baby with this.

hopefully i'll be able to stay with him at great ormond street and at least its a brill hospital :?
Oh hun, sorry to hear your dear little chappie has gotta have an operation! But they will make him all better and he will be the very best children's hospital there is :hug:
My little brother had congenital hypospadies (sp?) but his wee hole was in the wrong place, not too small. Looks like Damien has the same thing but we were told they couldn't operate til he was 4 or 5 like they did on my brother? Damien's is willy proper wonky :? Poor thing.

My brother had a few operations, including putting the hole in the right place and blocking the old one up, skin grafts and cosmetic surgery too (all done as part of the NHS treatment). He is 19 now (and will probably kill me for mentioning this on the forum!) and has not problems with it at all. My brother had his done at Stoke Madaville hospital when he was 4 I think. Great Ormand street is a fantastic hospital though from what I've heard! And of course you'll be allowed to stay with him, you're his mumma.

I hope he's okie babe, at least it's only to widen the hole a little and not move it. xx
thank you for sharing (i'm sure your bro would kill u)..Lol!!
and thanks jade :)
i think it is gona have to be moved..i was told it was too small when he was born but i think tht pediatrition was mental tbh! the hole at the top is just a blind hole, the actual hole he wees out of is underneath it by about a few mm..:(

they said they operate at between are 3-12 months as there is the least penile growth at this stage when i went for his bladder scan. i'll have to see what they reckon on 23rd i guess.. :?

hehe poor damien..and poor hayden we been calling his a willy wonka since he was born,..better stop before he does get a complex!!
:rotfl: I darent call it that coz it is wonky! Damien has an appt with the doc about his winkie tomorrow, hopefully will get it dorted then.

Maybe my mu went to the doc about my bro's a little later than we have about our boys? This was a long long time ago though so things could well have changed.

Random question, but can they pull his foreskin back to see the hole? Damien's it so tight they think they might have to chop that off aswell :(
his foreskin doesnt cover that bit..its only formed properly on top..not hard to explain!!apparently it stops growin when the uretha does!

damiens is normal coz there meant to be fused for the first yr or so!

good luck 2mo hun xx
Well I always thought that but I've spoken to my mum again and she said she could pull my bro's back to check.

I hope Damien doens't grow up with a wonky todger, poor lad :|
This might sound like a silly question but do they check the babies 'wonka' throughly when its newly born for problems then?
i know as if there isnt enough rubbish to contend with in our world right now!! ..if any woman says anything about my lil boys willy wonka in the future i'll track her down an kick her ass!! :rotfl:

maybe ur brothers wasnt fully formed either, thats one way the doctors know they have it coz they can see the foreskin isnt formed totally
JaidyBaby said:
This might sound like a silly question but do they check the babies 'wonka' throughly when its newly born for problems then?

yeah hun the pediatrition checks the baby over before u can leave hospital!!
oh poor hayden!

better to be done now rather then when he will remember it.

they check there willy quite a lot, i have had about 4 different docs at different times (hospital, docs first check, hv etc) all say well he has 2 testies!! Yes i know you all keep tell me!!!! haha he is not going to lose one in 10 weeks!! haha


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