Getting Worried


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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Posted a thread on this a few days ago but nobody replied :( getting worried now. Jack still has a raspy cough and today has seemed really irritable. He is eating ok and doesn't have a temp but sometimes his chest rises and falls very heavily when he breathes. The coughing doesn't seem to bother him but it sounds awful. I know the best thing would be to go to the GP but i probably won't be able to get an appointment for a few days (they're crap) and i don't want to look like a neurotic mother by taking him to a&e if it's just a simple cold or hayfever. He has his jabs on Thursday so i'll be seeing a doctor or nurse then, i just hate hearing him cough and have just frightened myself by googling 'whooping cough'.

Anyone got any advice? Don't know what to do for the best :( x
I took Henry to the drs with a cold and they basically said to wait it out. There is nothin they can give them that works. Just mention it at his jab appt. hope he feels better soon
You should be offered a same day appt with a baby.

E has had a cough but there is nothing that can be done.

However, if your worried then go to the drs.

If his breathing seems laboured he needs to.see.a.doc.really and they.should prioritise with a same day appt with.a baby, he's.very little to have a prob best to get him checked over of its been a few days and he's still the same and not himself Xx hope all goes.ok Xx
I'd watch him closely and if you are concerned about his breathing then go to a &e who cares if people think your neurotic - tell them to swivel ;)

I'm in a similar boat, I think my l/o has inherited my hay fever :( he's coughing and wheezy, sneezing loads and his eyes are puffy. Although he's a bit irritated by it he's still feeding and is bright and alert so its reassuring - went and spoke to boots pharmacist about it yesterday and they basically told me what I have said above ^^^ x
I don't know about your docs but at ours at least 1 day a week they have an emergency doctor specialising in children, perhaps you could ring up in the morning and ask to be seen on the day? If you mention his breathing they'll prob advise to come in just in case. Better safe than sorry and if you do feel silly just explain you wanted to double check, I'm sure they're used to it and dont mind, I lived in the docs when c was younger worrying myself sick xxx
Dylan has had a cold for over a week and his cough sounds so bad. We took him to the drs as he wasn't feeding properly. We were told to give paracetamol and ibuprofen as directed. His chest is rattling as he can't seem to clear it properly but he is getting better. If your worried hun go to the drs as the others have said babies should be prioritised x
Thank you ladies. I'll try ringing the docs tomorrow. If i can't see anyone then i'll try asking at a pharmacist too, see if they can advise anything or reassure me. Since he's feeding well and not got a temp they'll probably just tell me to wait it out. To be fair his cough doesn't seem to be bothering him at all, i think i'm more upset by it lol x
As far as I'm aware a child under a certain age has to be seen the same day you ring or atleast that's what I was told by our gp's

I took theo Friday as he's sounding like an old man with the smokers cough. His chest was clear but his blocked tear duct eye was infected .
have you not got a walk on clinic there? Google them for your area. also nhs direct?

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
I would ring the docs, have they got a duty nurse who could see him? Hope he's better soon xx
I rang the dr the other day cos my LO has a cold with a really horrible cough, it was making her cry in the middle of coughing sessions - a dr rang me back and checked she was eating/drinking/not crying all the time and then described her cough to a t and said there's a lot of cases of bronchitis going around babies at the mo and to just wait it out really, unless you get worried in which case go to dr or a&e - you always get seen same day at the dr with a baby x
Rhea has a nasty cough ATM and I'm bit worried too cos she has hardly drank today for hubby . I started back at work so not sure if that's why but she had everything at breaky only her solids at lunch with 1 oz of milk tops than at tea only 1 oz and 2 spoons of food and before bed only 3 oz . She is bout 9 oz down on what she normally has :( xxx

I would definitely get baby seen if the breathing is as you say it is, the sooner the better in fact. As others have said if you explain to the receptionist they will have to fit you in.
I had this when harry was about 3 weeks old I had a semi emergency appointment and they said he'd got a cold and was congested they just gave him some saline drops, if he's 2 months + he can have calpol deffo speak to a dr hun x
If you are worried, then go to the drs. You will not be considered as neurotic. You love your LO and want to make sure that they are ok. Hope you get an appointment and your LO feels better soon.xx
How's he doing today? Summer coughs and colds are the worst cos there's no fresh air xxxxxxx
He seems ok in himself. Had a bit of an unsettled night but that's nothing new. He's had a few mini coughing fits this morning but has still been feeding and smiling. Have tried ringing doctors but no answer :( going to pop into town this afternoon so will maybe have a word with a pharmacist in boots or something.

Listened to his chest and there's no rattling or anything, his coughs just sound so loud and violent at times :( x
Oh no :(

I'd say try docs again, who cares what they think lol my surgery gets a doc to phone back and if they think they need to see baby we go straight down!

But if u don't wanna do that then yeah a pharmacist should be able to help. Or nhs direct maybe xxx
I'll keep trying. Not sure how i'll get there as OH has the car and my phone isn't working properly and keeps going through phases of not letting me make calls. Ever feel like everythings against you lol? x

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