Getting very nervous


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2012
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Hi all, I hope everyone is doing ok x

Its around 7 weeks since my erpc and still struggling some days. As it was my third miscarriage the hospital said they would do some testing on the sac etc (there was nothing growing inside the sac so that's all they can test). I have got my appointment to go and discuss the findings, I am so nervous. I am wondering if it means there was something wrong? If it was all clear would they still want to see us. They did say we would get an appointment for results when gynae came round to see me after the op so maybe its standard to see you regardless of results. I am scared and just want it over with. Feeling very low about all of this lately, keep thinking how far along I should be now etc, I don't know why I torture myself.
Sorry for the rant but my OH is officially rubbish at talking to me about it all, he just changes the subject when I try, I guess he is dealing with it all too :( x
hun im so sorry you are feeling so low, I was atmy lowest after 2nd mc in January and found it very hard, I asked for testing but because "0nly" second mc they wouldn't do anything and kept saying just one of those things. I was so unhappy and having panic attacks that I wouldn't get pregnant again. Please just keep looking to the future, I hope you get some answers for the mc and hope something simple they can sort out.
Oh honey, its probably just standard procedure. Hope you get on ok! Xxx
Hope your feeling a bit better. I had testing done after Charlie as it was a second trimester loss and still not heard anything yet. I was so off my face on medication I can't really remember what was said. My oh is the same he don't like talking about it he don't like to see me upset and he deals with everything quietly but sometimes we need to talk. Hope you get some answers. I don't think the counting stops till after due date when every loss I've counted till then. I'd be 22 weeks today. Can't believe it's been 7 weeks still feels like yesterday. Hugs xxx
Hi Lisey,

I have already been sent through my appointment for the test result findings, it has been 4 weeks since Leo was born but my appointment with the specialist is not until 4 October so I think they make the appointment before they have even finished the testing and also regardless of what they have found so try not to panic about it (always easier said than done). We'll all be thinking of you.


Whatever the result
Thanks so much everyone, I am a bit better today, yesterday was a bit of an emotional day and things felt so fresh in my mind. I am going to try and stay relaxed and just see what Tuesday brings. I am so sorry that we are all going through this, its not fair at all and I hope that for all of us, our next pregnancies result in happy, healthy babies x
Hey hun, sorry you're having a tough time. I've been like that, ventured into tri 2 and saw some of the people we were in tri1 with, im happy for them but it hurts :(
I expected to be easier now... Seeing as this is our 3rd and it was 7 weeks ago. It really isnt easier though. Just wanted to let u know i'm thinking of you really. Good luck for tuesday, hope the time doesnt drag xxx
Hey hun, sorry you're having a tough time. I've been like that, ventured into tri 2 and saw some of the people we were in tri1 with, im happy for them but it hurts :(
I expected to be easier now... Seeing as this is our 3rd and it was 7 weeks ago. It really isnt easier though. Just wanted to let u know i'm thinking of you really. Good luck for tuesday, hope the time doesnt drag xxx

Thanks hun, I agree, it doesn't seem easier. I don't think I will be able to move on until have gone past the due date. Just two more days til the appointment then at least that's one hurdle done with. Hope you're doing ok xx
sorry for your losses, i am just into the same situation as you. had my 3rd m/c 3 weeks ago now :(
i have my app on the 12th sept. nervous already.. hope you get some answers hun xx
Just wanted to wish you luck for your appointment on tuesday hun xx
sorry for your losses, i am just into the same situation as you. had my 3rd m/c 3 weeks ago now :(
i have my app on the 12th sept. nervous already.. hope you get some answers hun xx

Sorry you are going through this too :( and I hope you get some answers too on your appointment x

Just wanted to wish you luck for your appointment on tuesday hun xx

Thanks so much, hope you're doing well? x
Sorry you are going through this hope you get some answers soon Xx

I am so annoyed/frustrated. We went, waited ages to be seen to be told the results aren't back yet. The results are either not ready or they were never sent in the first place. They are going to follow up on this, not sure why they didn't do this before we got there. I have had all this worry and anxiety for an appointment that has given me no answers anyway and may not get any answers :( I have asked if we can have the karyotyping bloods done instead if there has been some mix up and they are 'going to look into this'. I don't think its good enough, they should offer the bloods and fast track them, its not fair for somebody to be left without answers like this, after 3 miscarriages x
That is so wrong and really unprofessional! Why didnt they phone you to rearrange at least? You built yourself up for good/bad news and got no news at all! What a waste of a day and preparing yourself. I bet your emotions are all over the place. If i was you i would just keep nagging them until they give you your answers xxx
That's what we thought too, we think they didn't realise til we got there!! They are going to do the bloods instead so that's one good thing but still pretty annoyed and upset x
Sorry to hear you had a wasted trip. That's awful service!! Hope they give your tests priority and give you the answers you need soon xx

- now Free
Thanks ladies. I am going to ask for them to be rushed through. I think that's the least they can do really. We don't have a date yet but I think it will be soon, the lady is ringing me this week x
Bless you! What an aweful mess on there part! Hope you get some answers soon xx

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