Getting to know the first tri-ers.


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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Age: 30

Due date: 21st April 2008

Pregnancy number: 3 (first two failed before 12 weeks. :( )

Hoping for which gender: Don't care

Symptoms so far: tired! nausea, constipation , moodiness, strange mouth taste, tender and darker nipples.

How long were you TTC: 15 months

Who knows: My husband, my sister and her OH

Pregnancy fears: making it to 12 weeks.
Age: 25

Due date: 10th March 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Either but feeling its a boy .

Symptoms so far: tired, nausea, constipation or runs lol , moodiness, pregnancy brain , hiccups and indegstion, spots , sciaitica , insomina at the very start . horrid mouth and throat.

How long were you TTC: 19 months

Who knows: More who doesnt :oops:

Pregnancy fears: making it to 12 weeks , and being able to cope with what pregnancy throws at me :(
Age: 25

Due date: 13th Feb or 20th March :roll: (TBC on 23rd Aug)

Pregnancy number: 2

Hoping for which gender: Boy

Symptoms so far: Pregnancy brain, moodiness, biting my OH lol

How long were you TTC: 1 cycle

Who knows: Gawd everyone

Pregnancy fears: making it to 12 weeks and the birth, plus putting loads of weight on
Age: 26 (27 next month!!, OH is 30)

Due date: 19th April 2008 going by LMP

Pregnancy number: 2

Hoping for which gender: Don't mind as long as it's healthy

Symptoms so far: tiredness, nausea, constipation , cramps, headaches, heartburn, wind.....very attractive :D

How long were you TTC: 3 cycles

Who knows: My OH and my mum. OH told a couple of his work mates that I thought I might be pg but hasn't confirmed it cos I told him off :lol: :lol:

Pregnancy fears: making it to 12 weeks
Age: 25

Due date: 14th march 08

Pregnancy number: #2

Hoping for which gender: boy so i have 1 of each, but a girl as it will save me money

Symptoms so far: tiredness, headaches, sore boobs, getting fat lol

How long were you TTC: 1 cycle

Who knows: every one including my customers

Pregnancy fears: no fears as ive done it before, but just really hope i labour before 41 weeks or im having a section[/b]
Age: 27

Due date: 28th March

Pregnancy number: 2

Hoping for which gender: would like a girl so I have one of each :D

Symptoms so far: nausea, tired, sore boobs, bloated

How long were you TTC: 2 cycles

Who knows: both families

Pregnancy fears: getting to 12 weeks and labour!
Age: 29

Due date: 29th March 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Don't care

Symptoms so far: tired, sore boobs, insomnia early on

How long were you TTC: 13 months, 5th clomid cycle

Who knows: OH and you guys

Pregnancy fears: making it to 12 weeks
Age: 20 but 21 on 24th august and i can't even have a drink!!!

Due date: 15th March 2008

Pregnancy number:
2nd (1st one i had a miscarriage)

Hoping for which gender:

Symptoms so far: tired, feeling sick, cant eat because i feel sick but half the reson i feel sick is because i havent eaten!!!

How long were you TTC: I conceived 2 weeks after a miscarriage!

Who knows: Who does'nt :oops:

Pregnancy fears: making it to 12 weeks and gaining weight EVERYWHERE so i look mahosive
Age: 27

Due date: 28th February 2008

Pregnancy number: 6,had 3 m/c

Hoping for which gender: Girl!

Symptoms so far: Tiredness and grumpy!

How long were you TTC: 6 cycles

Who knows: Family and a few friends

Pregnancy fears: making it past 12 weeks
Age: 29

Due date: march 20th

Pregnancy number: 2

Hoping for which gender: dont mind at all

Symptoms so far: tired! loss of appetite, horrid taste in mouth, nausea, spotty skin, bloating(water retention) indegestion,

How long were you TTC: 1 cycle

Who knows: mum, husbands mum and dad, sister and her hubby. So hard to keep it a secret!

Pregnancy fears: making it to 12 weeks
Age: 26

Due date: either 5th or 14th March (cos nobody has bothered seeing me and work it out yet :x )

Pregnancy number: 1st

Hoping for which gender: I don't mind either, although I have a "boy feeling"

Symptoms so far: Exhaustion, constipation, sore boobs a little nausea, I cannot even see sweet things.

How long were you TTC: either 1 week or I was pregnant already when I "decided" to start trying... :wink:

Who knows: Everybody in England, in my country and in my husband's country :oops:

Pregnancy fears: Pretty much ALL of them... but pray and trying not to give in to them :D
Great idea I enjoued reading everyones!!


Age: 27

Due date: 19th April 2008 going by LMP

Pregnancy number: 2 (Miscarried recently)

Hoping for which gender: I would like a girl but I would love a boy too as long as bub is healthy and happy i dont mind really

Symptoms so far: Naseua with headaches,Swollen boobage, mood swings

How long were you TTC: 2 weeks after miscarriage :oops:

Who knows: My OH my sis, everyone on here, and a couple of other forum friends I know (one even got preggo the same time as me AND we miscarried at similar times too how mad eh?)

Pregnancy fears: Losing bub again, Seeing the scan and then losing bub getting pnd, oh and putting on more then 7lbs!
Sharne said:
Great idea I enjoued reading everyones!!


Age: 27

Due date: 19th April 2008 going by LMP

Pregnancy number: 2 (Miscarried recently)

Hoping for which gender: I would like a girl but I would love a boy too as long as bub is healthy and happy i dont mind really

Symptoms so far: Naseua with headaches,Swollen boobage, mood swings

How long were you TTC: 2 weeks after miscarriage :oops:

Who knows: My OH my sis, everyone on here, and a couple of other forum friends I know (one even got preggo the same time as me AND we miscarried at similar times too how mad eh?)

Pregnancy fears: Losing bub again, Seeing the scan and then losing bub getting pnd, oh and putting on more then 7lbs!

dont worry mine was just under 2 weeks after miscarriage lol :oops:
Age: 29

Due date: 24th February 2008

Pregnancy number: 2, already have an 19 month old daughter

Hoping for which gender: Don't care, either would be happily recieved

Symptoms so far: terrible sickness, tiredness, craving for salty chips and garlic, sore boobs

How long were you TTC: we weren't!!!!

Who knows: Everyone

Pregnancy fears: None, I just ope everything goes well so I can have a homebirth.
Age: 20

Due Date: 6th March

Pregnancy Number: 2 after miscarriage

Hoping for which gender: Don't mind, but psychic predicted a boy

Symptoms so far: Nausea, aversion to chocolate and craving for tomatoes and cucumber.

How long were you TTC: Not preventing Jan - April, TTC from April to July

Who knows: Err, everyone :lol:

Pregnncy fears: Losing the baby and finding out at 12 week scan
Sharne said:
Great idea I enjoued reading everyones!!


Age: 27

Due date: 19th April 2008 going by LMP

Pregnancy number: 2 (Miscarried recently)

Hoping for which gender: I would like a girl but I would love a boy too as long as bub is healthy and happy i dont mind really

Symptoms so far: Naseua with headaches,Swollen boobage, mood swings

How long were you TTC: 2 weeks after miscarriage :oops:

Who knows: My OH my sis, everyone on here, and a couple of other forum friends I know (one even got preggo the same time as me AND we miscarried at similar times too how mad eh?)

Pregnancy fears: Losing bub again, Seeing the scan and then losing bub getting pnd, oh and putting on more then 7lbs!

Pregnancy fears: Losing bub again, Seeing the scan and then losing bub getting pnd, oh and putting on more then 7lbs![/

your suppose to gain between 20 and 40 im so not looking forawrd to that part..but i want tons of cute maternity clothes!!!!
Age: 23

Due date: 28th March 2008 going by LMP

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Girl

Symptoms so far: Nausea, swollen painful boobs, i have also suddenly got terrible spots on my face.

How long were you TTC: 9 months

Who knows: My OH, best mate, and friends on forums. Keeping it a secret if i can till 12 weeks.

Pregnancy fears: Labour, getting fat, loads of stretchmarks
Age: 29

Due date:15th March

Pregnancy number: 1st

Hoping for which gender: I don't mind, OH really wants a boy

Symptoms so far: Exhaustion, nausea most of the day, sore and growing boobs, tight waistband!!

How long were you TTC: 5 months ish

Who knows: Our parents and my sis, a couple of my colleagues, gonna start telling a few more soon

Pregnancy fears: losing Little bean, seen some scary birth photos - trying not to dwell on that yet! Never being thin again (how shallow....)
Great post.

Age: 28 (tomorrow)

Due date: 2nd April
Pregnancy number: 1st

Hoping for which gender: I don't mind, but have a feeling its a boy

Symptoms so far: Exhaustion, nausea most of the day, bloated, and very gassey :oops:

How long were you TTC: 3 months

Who knows: Our family, telling friends at 12 weeks

Pregnancy fears: getting to 12 weeks, then I am sure I will have more worries!

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