Getting to know all my new Tri 1 buddies


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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As you can tell there isn't much going on in my office this Friday LOL!

I am naturally nosey person but I thought it would be lovely to find out a little more about you all?

Maybe just a few personal details? Like location, age, any other kids, pets, job, how long you've been with partner, siblings etc??

Feel free not to indulge LOL!

I'll go first.

I am 31, from Islington in North London and live with my 30 year old OH. We've been together 4 years but have lived together for almost 4 years :shock: We've got no intention to ever get married.

We have a little kitty - Amber who is 3 and a half and my little furry baby!

I work as an account manager for a software company and have been here for 10 years. It's my first and only job since I finished Uni.

We have no kids, but between us 4 nephews (all aged 3 and under) and one 16 year old niece.

I have 2 younger brothers and a younger sister. OH is 4th of 5 boys and also has younger sister. So in our immediate family there are about 25 not including us!

I gave up smoking earlier this year and also became a bit of a fitness freak for a while.

I love reading, eating and sunshine.

I look forward to having my first child and making lots of new friends.

Now I will go and do some work :) :)

Hi i'm 25 and so is my oh, we have been together for 9 and a half years and engaged for 2 and a half years. We moved into our own place 18months ago as previously we were living with his parents due to me being at uni. We have set our wedding date as 5th march 2012, on our 10 year anniversary and i will be 23 weeks pregnant :shock:

we have 2 bunny rabbits chomps and leela (5 and 4yrs i think) and I have been pestering my oh for a puppy but a baby comes first. :)

We have no kids either, and I have 1 niece who is 11 months old.

I work as a cleaning supervisor at the moment which was my job at uni which I have just increased my hours. I am studying bookkeeping from home so plan to start that up after baby is born don't see the point in changing jobs until I have finished my maternity.

I am 1 of 3, my twin sister and my younger brother, and my oh is an only child, definitely do not want to have just one as his parents rely on him to much ringing him every night to check he is ok! gets rather frustrating!!

Thanks for indulging me sweetie :)

Iw ouldn't mind having just the one, as they will have lots of little cousins around the same age. Ideally two would be my choice though.

I don't want to be too greedy though so one for the time being would be a-m-a-z-i-n-g
yeah true, 1 would be amazing for now but i would love at least 2 xx
Hi I am 27 and live in Hampshire with my OH who is 32. We've been together nearly 9 years and have lived together for about 5 years. We've spoken about marriage but are fully committed and happy so I think we may look at getting married once we have had all of our children.

We have 2 dogs, a Labrador and a Husky and a cat and this is our first baby.

Me and my OH own our own businesses so I am very lucky I will be able to take whatever maternity leave I want and go back to do what hours I want when the baby is older. We are also hoping OH can take one day off a week to be with the baby when I go back to work as he didn't see much of his dad growing up because he was always working.

I am one of 3, my sister is 15 years older and my brother is 13 months younger. I have 2 nieces and a nephew who I adore and spoil rotten. Me and my sister are very close and me and my bro have become closer as we have gotten older. My OH has one sister who is the same age as me and also pregnant! She is due 2 weeks before me and we get on really well so it'll be lovely for the babies to be so close in age. As for how many we're planning, we're hoping to have 3 or 4, although we pretty much take the approach of more the merrier :)

I am very excited about having our first child and am so pleased I joined this forum so we can all help each other. I just can't wait until the first scan!

x x x x
I took an annual leave day from work today so really trying not to do anymore house work and put feet up. Good idea to pass time carnat! Here goes:
I'm 31, hubby is 31 in couple weeks. Been together for 14 years and married for 5. No children apart from our dot! I have a younger sister who is wonderful she has two kids. Niamh 6 & Daniel 3 who was born with amniotic band syndrome and has his lower left arm missing. This does not stop him! He's a wild child and keeps very healthy apart from his physical difficiency. My sister was only offered one scan at around 14-16 weeks and his wee arm wasn't spotted so it was a bit of a shock.
My hubby has one sister with a 8year old and he has a younger bro (who's living with us at mo - long story but getting rid of him soon!!)
We live in southwest Scotland in small town amidst beautiful countryside. We have a 2 yr old terrier who is loooooopy!! He's our baby!!
I work with people with addictions- love my job!
Hubby works for his dads furniture removals business
I'm so happy to have pregnancy forum cos I haven't told many
People and enjoy being able to get info and support fro
Here. Looking forward but bloody terrified of next few months ...oh and the next 18 years!!!!!!
Gawd - I am an old hag compared to you two LOL!

I'll be 32 when I have bub :shock:

Taffy and Kanga, it's nice to see you have thought about things beyond the baby.

Taffy knowing you don't have to rush back to work makes life so much easier and Kanga retraining sounds fab.

My OH is a self employed decorator (well he works for his Dad but will eventually take over the 'empire').

I don't really know what we'll do after baby comes as I am the consistant breadwinner?? OH gets paid depending on the job he is on - it could be weekly, monthly or after the job is completed - so I take care of the bills on a monthly basis and we work out our finances depending on what my OH is doing at the time.... It's not ideal

On the upside we are debt free, we do have savings and we were lucky enough to be legible for council housing (due to both living with parents / overcrowding etc) so we do have that security.

I will eventually go back to work, hopefully just part-time though! Not sure OH is cut out as a full time stay at home Dad.
I took an annual leave day from work today so really trying not to do anymore house work and put feet up. Good idea to pass time carnat! Here goes:
I'm 31, hubby is 31 in couple weeks. Been together for 14 years and married for 5. No children apart from our dot! I have a younger sister who is wonderful she has two kids. Niamh 6 & Daniel 3 who was born with amniotic band syndrome and has his lower left arm missing. This does not stop him! He's a wild child and keeps very healthy apart from his physical difficiency. My sister was only offered one scan at around 14-16 weeks and his wee arm wasn't spotted so it was a bit of a shock.
My hubby has one sister with a 8year old and he has a younger bro (who's living with us at mo - long story but getting rid of him soon!!)
We live in southwest Scotland in small town amidst beautiful countryside. We have a 2 yr old terrier who is loooooopy!! He's our baby!!
I work with people with addictions- love my job!
Hubby works for his dads furniture removals business
I'm so happy to have pregnancy forum cos I haven't told many
People and enjoy being able to get info and support fro
Here. Looking forward but bloody terrified of next few months ...oh and the next 18 years!!!!!!

I keep forgetting about the next 18 years LOL!

Lovely to "meet" you K80

Hi All,

I'm 28 and my husband is 29- we have been together 6 years and got married 2 months ago! We live together in Uxbridge, Middlesex.

This is our first baby - we thought it would take longer to conceive so started trying on honeymoon and it happened straight away!

I have one younger brother and no neices or nephews but a few friends with little babies now :eek:)

I work as an HR Advisor (will be finishing professional qualification in June depending on arrival time of the baby!!) I'm hoping to find a new part time job rather than return back to where I am but it's nice to have the option to return if I need to.

It's lovely to be able to talk on here to you ladies who are going through the same things - I think I'd drive everyone around me mad if I spoke to them about everything I'm thinking non-stop about at the moment!!

Gemma x
Hey I'm Charlotte, (no one sharing names?) I am 22. I currently live in Winsford, in Cheshire. My OH is 32, we have been together since 19th December 2009. Living together since Jan 2010. I know it was quick but I love to have my own independence.

I live in a two bedroom flat, hopefully looking into moving into a house once the next baby is born. We have a son called Leo who is 8 months old. Currently pregnant with the second baby, hoping it might be a girl. I have PCOS so getting pregnant with my first was hard. But I managed it somehow he is my miracle baby. (Wished for him on my 21st Birthday cake)

We have a black and white kitten with a white belly and paws. He is called Socks :).

I am currently a Full time mummy. I have been since I had my son. I tried to get work wile pregnant with him and failed so not worked in two years. (Please don't judge me, I have tried to apply for jobs lately before I found out I was pregnant as I wanted something more to do. Heard nothing in reply :( )

As for my family, its messed up and no one talks to anyone anymore if I told you why it would take up pages lol.
Hey Gemma and Charlotte,

I'm Natalie :)

Pleased to meet you both.

My S-I-L is called Gemma (and Charlotte is the only name OH have agreed on when we were having the hypothetical 'what will we name our kids conversation')

Leo is gorgeous Honey

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I'm Katie :)

You won't be judged Charlotte, being a full time mum is a job and a half! I agree Leo is gorgeous xxx
Hi Katie Charlotte Gemma and Natalie! I'm Kay! Good to know you all. Xxx
Hi :wave:

I'm 34, live in Lowestoft. Have a 10 month old boy :love:, 1 cat and 2 border collies. Well I will have from tomorrow, collecting new puppy in the morning, our dogs actual 1/2 brother!

I work in admin, but haven't been in work for a year. Started maternity leave on 29 october last year and doesn't look like I will be back at my desk for a while! But I am looking fwd to getting back to work coz much as I love staying home to look after my boy (and new LO) I miss my own life too. But it's not about me right now, I'll get that back soon enough!

I love fashion and girly things like hair and make up etc and pop music lol I miss smoking, quit last May, then started again this June and quit again 3 weeks ago when found out I was preggo again. Although it's easier to stop this time coz I feel sick allllllll the time so i couldn't smoke whilst feeling this ill anyways! I don't miss drinking coz I don't drink lol I am going ot miss running, I run (usually) 5 days a week, so the next 9 months I'm gonna feel so lazy, but again I'll get that back soon enough!

Hi, i,m 21 and my oh is 26, we are expecting baby no 3, sounds bad I no but I want kids out of the way before I get stuck into my career. I worked with horses before I had my first, and plan on becoming a riding instructor when i,ve had this one. Horses have always been my passion and I didn,t want to interrupt my career to have children, so I had them first. We were gonna stick with the two but I really want a girl, I don,t have any sisters and me and my mum are not close, but I really want to have that mother/daughter bond I never had. So we gave it one more go, if I get a boy I will still love him, but at least we tried.

We have two cat,s mika and mia, who are five in Feb, also we a 4 month old springer spaniel who mason named odie, from garfield. We got engaged on 15th Sept this year, our 5 year anniversary, whilst on hol in bulgaria.
Hiya im kirsty, i will be 30 next month, been with my OH since i was 14, have 3 children 13, 8 & 7, we live in bristol, have 3 staffordshire bull terriers that we show, do agility with and occasionally breed. I used to be a vets assistant until i got diagnoised with epilepsy which at the time was very unstable but under control now.
Its nice to get to know you all a bit better :) xx
:wave: nice to meet all you preggers ladies hehe

I'm Donna, i'm 27 from Castleford my OH is 30 and we have been together 11 years in march, engaged for 9 years, have spoke about marriage and we will probably get around to it at some point :D
We have a 4 year old daughter called Elise, 2 cats, Simba (8yrs old) and Daisy (4yrs old) and a mad choc lab called Pooch (2yrs old)

I have 2 brothers aged 26 and 3 :) no nieces or nephews just yet but my eldest bro and his finacee obviously lol are tryin for their 1st which will be fab!!

I am currently a full time mummy/graphic designer (working on scenery for a new computer game at present at home which suits me fine) the computer game team consists of around 9 of us from the UK and US so its an exciting project for me!

Really looking forward to giving my DD a baby brother or sister and shes excited too, we dont plan on having any more after this one...2's enough for me hehe!!

Loved reading all about your lives too, it will be fab to get to know al the tri1-ers that i havent spoke to before too :D heres to a happy healthy 9mnths for us all xxx

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