getting really bad period type pains


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2006
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hi, this is the first time iv posted on here, but i was just wondering if ne1 could give me some advice.

Im 39 weeks and 3 days pregnant so havent got long to go :dance: - but since wed night iv been getting really bad period type pains, i started timing them, they were every 15 mins and lasted about 30 seconds but i then fell asleep so gathered i wasnt in labour lol. I did have a few during day but they werent as painful and only had one here n there (seems to be worse at night) then last night again, they came back, and again i fell asleep - thinking if it was the real thing, it would keep me awake. This morning i woke up at 5am with them again but only had one every 45 mins, but then at 7am they were every 7 mins and only lasting 1min, i had a bath and they dissapeared :? Are these those Braxton Hicks??
sorry if none of that makes sense lol but trying to type whilst i remember it all. Is that all normal? My midwife is on holiday and i dont really want to ring the hospital incase its nothing n im just being one of those worrying mums to be!
Any advice would be soooo helpful

A worried Tori
Hi Tori, I've been getting those kinda pains for about 3 weeks now, and my MW has said there braxton hicks.

If anything your lil one should be getting ready to make an arrival :pray:

If they don't fade off or you feel abit concerned though maybe a quick call to your midwife ? ?

Let us know if you have your lil bundle .
Hi Tori,

Having period type pains is normal in late pregnancy, its your cervix getting ready for labour. I had been geting them for several weeks before i had Jamie & kept thinking it must be soon, as it was I was induced 6 days over my due date!!!

The night before my waters broke I was getting strong period type pains & as soon as my waters did break the following morning the contractions started and in my case they were similar to period pains but different, they would start off very mild then I could feel it building up then dying off again. At the peak of my contractions they were coming every 3 mins & lasting 40-60 seconds. If you're having true contractions you'll have troubles talking (& in my case breathing - kept forgetting & DH was having to remind me to do it!! :lol: )
Its very difficult to describe how they felt tho, a mixture of period pains & bad wind/poo cramps :oops: and pain i'd never felt before!

I was scared & worried that I wouldn't know when I was in labour & when people said ' Oh, you'll know' I always thought well how will I know, i've never been in labour before?! I know in my case it was different as I was induced & in hospital but I can assure you when your contractions start you will deffinately know the difference between them & the pains your getting now. Your waters may break first, so you'll def. know its starting.

Have you had a show yet?

Hope this helps a bit. Its all a bit scary tho. innit?

Nicki.x :D
hey all,

Nicki - No i havent had a show yet, again am worrying - does everyone have a show before they go into labour?!? :? I did have a clear jelly like discharge but there wasnt any blood in it :oops:

im getting really inpatient, i just want it over and done with - am feeling really fat and tired now. My feet/ankles keep swelling up n its soooo hot outside that i cant get comfy :(
I know hunny, its horrid towards the end, I was very impatient too.

Not everyone gets a show, I didn't get one but it sounds as if you may have had the startings of one, i'm not entirely sure but I don't think it has to have blood in it?

I sooooo know what you mean about the swelling, I took a piccie of my feet & ankles coz I looked like the elephant woman, luckily they've gone back to normal now - phew!

Well, I hope it does all start up very soon for you, keep us posted on any progress.

Nicki.x :D
Tori I know how you are feeling honey, I went to the maternity day unit on Saturday cos I had swollen up so bad only to be told that it is totally normal in late pregnancy and that the heat wasn't helping matters. I was told to rest and keep off my feet as much as I can. I still have 12 days to go and am getting impatient, I just want to meet my LO!!

I can't believe you've only got 12 days to go Lindsay, where has the time gone? I also can't believe my Jamie is 3 weeks old today, its all been a complete blur!!! :shock:
I had period type pains for a week before i went into labour, so could be a sign things are happening, braxton hicks dont hurt do they? a show doesn't have to have blood in it, so the stuff your discribing could have been your plug - i didn't have a show, i was told to take some paracetomol if it eased it wasn't labour but if it didn't then i was in labour, i didn't do this thoughas they weren't too painful that i needed something although i did use a warm hot water bottle a few times.

Good luck and hope it's a sign of things happening for you :)

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