Getting Impatient!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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I only came on the pill the middle of August and am on day 12 of my 1st cycle, assuming my cycles are around 28 days, which they were the last time I came off the pill.

I started doing my ovvy tests on sat, and have not detected my surge yet. I know im not 'due' to ovulate until wed/thurs and thats why I havent picked up the surge, but im just worried that im not going to ovulate at all.

If I dont detect my surge what do I do, just keep testing till i do?

I will have to ovulate before i get my next period wont i? Its not possible to not ovulate and have a period is it?

I promised myself Id just go with the flow this month, HA what a laugh I knew id get like this. :oops:
Dont start panicking just yet hun, some people dont ever get positive results on OPKs but that doesnt mean they're not ovulating, it can be hard to test at just the right time to detect the surge. Bear in mind that your body will take time to adjust from coming off pill too so you may not have regular 28 day cycles straight away.
Good luck hun xxxx
Hi yes it is possible to have a period and not ovulate. Its not unusual to take 6 months for the pill to get out of your system and for your AF's to regulate. However even during a normal cycle you can have a month where you dont ovulate at all, its called an anovulatory cycle but you still get AF. Hope this helps :hug:
xxsammyxx said:
Hi yes it is possible to have a period and not ovulate. Its not unusual to take 6 months for the pill to get out of your system and for your AF's to regulate. However even during a normal cycle you can have a month where you dont ovulate at all, its called an anovulatory cycle but you still get AF. Hope this helps :hug:

:shock: I did not know this I always thought that you had to OV to have a period :oops: Thank you :hug: that is my something new learnt today :D :hug:

Good Luck I hope you get your surge soon :hug: :hug:
i do sympathise jade you know what i'm like too. :roll:

I'm sure you will ovulate just be a little more patient, there is no reason to say that you won't ovulate as you know i did not get on with opks so i can't give advice on those. But i'm pretty sure all will be ok just get bding like crazy now for when you ovulate on wed/thurs :dance:
Hi Jade,

I think you will be dust to you...I didn't OV for about 2 months after coming off the pill so I didn't do loads of OV tests but when I did OV I felt the tugging sensation anyway and tested then. Depends how many tests you've got, it could be an idea to just relax this first cycle and use them next cycle when you know you're back on track?

If I've learnt anything with TTC it's that the more wound up I get the more it affects my cycles.... That's easy to say though and not so easy to do because I think for all of us this is the most important thing in our lives right now.

Lots of hugs to you :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks ladies you have all given good advice as usual!!! :D

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