getting impatient now!


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2009
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due on saturday! and in one way i want him to hold on because iv got my first exam on monday for my degree... if i can make it! But i just want it to be over with now :( I want to be able to put my own socks on haha and get out of the bath on my own and just generally be able to move!

Im so desperate to meet him now but want to get my exams done even though all i can think about is baby stuff! :wall2:

It'll happen when it happens, just getting affy frustrated now and feel like hes no where near budging!
Aww hun :-( Hope he comes soon! I'm struggling to do simple day to day things already and i'm only 23 weeks - I couldn't imagine how i'd cope studying a degree as well so kudos to you!

Hopefully he'll turn up soon! Wishing you all the best for your exam x
Gosh you are busy - good luck for your exam and hope he holds on for you - keep us updated xx
pretty much the same today! studying and had midwife earlier. dont think hes planning on going anywhere yet ;)

all the family keep saying he'll come at the weekend but thats prob wishful thinking!!! OH had his last exam today so at least hes got his out the way!
Hope bubba makes a move for you today x if not hope he waits til after your exam!! x Busy lady! x Good luck x
Good luck honey, you're very brave attempting exams when you must be so uncomfortable xx
How are things today Matilda?

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