getting bored :-(


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2011
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of pregnancy... is anyone else feeling like this. i just want the next few weeks to go by really really fast now. feeling like its dragging. and i want a bigger bump even though i know hes growing bigger now. hes giving me massive kicks now. feel like the whole point where hes kicking sticks out now. feel like im a kid again waiting for xmas. just keep imagining him in his lil carry cot snoozing away while were all having our dinner. really wish i had a fast forward button :-(
I'm the same! Want a bigger bump at the least and my LO here, healthy and in my arms at the most!

When I look back the last few months have gone quick but I just feel the need to rush to the finishing line!!

Try thinking of him red-faced and screaming for hours on end rather than of him sleeping angelically in his basket, maybe that might help you enjoy the last few weeks of your pregnancy a bit more... Only joking, of course. Hope time goes quickly for you.
yeah i know same here Welshy but do have to say for some reason im petrified im gonna have a prem baby.

think ive got my rose tinted glasses on at the mo. i absolutely hate babies screaming when im at work lol im hoping itll be different when my babies here plus i suppose you just get used to it in the end and if im on top of my parental skills i hope i wont have one of those whingy toddlers or better yet whiny teen lol better put those specs back on i think lol x
i feel exactly that bored. But im ok about the pregnancy part i just really want my maternity leave to hurry up
I am exactly the same - i can't wait till baby is here and i can start to feel human again!!lol. I'm definitely not one of these girls who loves being pregnant!! xxx
Nope I'm not enjoying pregnancy much either! I'd love to have baby here right now but with so much to still do when it comes to the house and moving in, I could actually do with a few more months of baby staying put!
so glad im not the only one. was beginning to feel a bit guilty for saying it. just been having those weeks, and up until i got preg i lost 2 stone im so gutted been thinking about it loads plus it irratating when people are in shock at how far gone i am and how only 1 person asked me if i was pregnant :-( but suppose ill have to try extra hard when babas here
Hi there ladies, I feel the same!! I don't want a prem baby at all but I find myself getting bored too of waiting for LO to arrive!!! I haven't had a terrible pregnancy at all so can't complain but I am so not patient!! Hopefully moving to tri3 on Monday (?!!) will give me a new boost of patience? Roll on Christmas!!!!
me too. my pregnancy hasnt been all that bad but i am quite a patient but 9 months is a looonng time. i thought it would be a breeze but suppose only 3months left shouldnt really complain x

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