Getting back to normal


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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How long did it take all you mums to get back to normal after the birth? How long was it until you had proper periods? did your bump go down straight away? is your body ever the same again after pregnancy? (i'm guessing not!) Sorry for all the questions, I just want to prepare myself for afterwards so it hopefully won't come as a big shock!
'Normal' will never be the same again... :wink:

It varies quite a lot I think, but personally I:

- got dressed for the first time on day 3 - then wore pyjamas again until day 6!

- had lost all the baby weight by the time he was 5 months old (but this varies hugely from person to person)

My body isn't the same but I wouldn't swap back for the world. It's 110% worth it for your baby.
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I lost most of my belly within 3 days. But the time angel was a week old i just had a little bit of a jelly belly. My stretchmarks are the same really as when i gave birth. My weight now is about a stone less than before i got pregnant. It's only been 8 weeks. I'm breastfeeding so had no periods yet. But i didn't stop bleeding completely til she was 6 weeks.
I got up and dressed, with make-up the day after i came out of hospital, so she was 2 days old and i felt good for it.
But everyone does vary.
i had problems coming to terms with my changed body because i naively thought you just pop a baby out and get your body back and be fine when the truth is it takes a lot out of you..and your body will never quite be the same as it was before. if i had got my head round that before then i might have been ok! i envy women who seem to look great after having kids and say they like there body more now!
on the plus side my periods are less painful they were back to normal in about 3 months but i wasn't breastfeeding and that can delay it.
but my boobs are softer and have lost there fullness at the top..i have a lot of stretch marks on my tummy, and my hips are curvier..not through weight its my bones..they stick out more!! lol

but i do have a beautiful boy and hes worth every mark/saggy
fran_23 said:
but i do have a beautiful boy and hes worth every mark/saggy

My thoughts exactly. The second i delivered my little girl the worry went out the window! She made every last detail worth it!
Hmmm, I felt like a fruit loop for the entire first year, and never lost a pound until Stanley turned one.

I feel myself again now, but it is very much an altered self. A bit squidgier, but more confident and content too :D
I have been body obsessed in the past and was genuinely worried that I would find the after effects of preegnancy really difficult to deal with. I haven't though. I have a saggier belly and I'm about 5lb heavier than I was pre pregnancy, my boobs are now purely functional- still a great size due to breast feeding but a lot softer than they were and they wern't exactly pert before hand! I'm guessing I will be rolling them up from my toes when I stop breast feeding! :rotfl: I agree with what everyone else has said- the loss of a tighter, smaller body is well worth it...just wait for that first smile or the satisfaction of knowing you have created such a perfect, wonderful little person. Nothing else matters.
no ur body will never be quite the same! i am actually lighter than i was pre-pregnancy but my shape is different- i think my hip-bones are wider as i have a big gap between my thighs at the top when i stand with my legs together- its like the top of my legs have been forced apart and are now wider set :?

also my arms and shoulders are quite muscular, but thats probably a parenting thing rather than a pregnancy thing (carrying a 22lb little girl under one arm up and down stairs all day etc- a hell of a work-out!)

my tummy- well the muscles have gone flat, but the skin is loose from being once a huge 50-something-inch bump to now being a size 6 waist, when i bend down the skin on my tummy goes all crinkley :puke:

breast-feeding helps ur tummy go flat quickly- u can FEEL it pulling back flat! :shock: its a bit painful but so worth it! lol

iv got a few stretchmarks on my boobs but they did balloon from B-cups to E-cups so not suprising really! and theyve almost totally faded now.

my foo-foo looks prettier! one lip used to stick out a tiny bit, it doesnt now- i dunno if it got ripped off or something- not complaining tho it looks perfect now like a 'designer vagina'! and my boyf insists its tight like virgin (he admits it wasnt for a good few weeks thou!)

on the whole tho im quite pleased with my post-baby body, its not as ravaged as i'd expected it to be :lol:

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