getting baby to sleep?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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how do u get your baby to sleep?
teddy is sooo fussy in the night.. he has to go to sleep suckling..and having mummy cuddles. hv says i should put him down n leave him cry 2 sleep.. grr!
We never let him cry himself to sleep. From 3 months he wasn't sleeping much during the day so we bathed him at 6.30ish and by 7 he was falling asleep - he set his own bedtime. Actually, 7 is a bit late for him some days.
we booby feed till lil miss passes out then pop her into bed... some times it works sometimes it doesn't... On the nights where she has been particularly naughty and refused to sleep no matter what we do...we have left her to cry for a while... but not because she will cry herself to sleep, but more to exhaust her into sleep as she fights sleep with all her might.

Like tonight even the booby feed didn't satisfy her as it was left booby's turn (see my post in feeding and nutrition on this :roll: ) and I had to carry her round in a sling, up and down and up and down our hallway, with her screaming her lungs out BECAUSE she was so tired. Then she just passed out.

Letting a baby to cry doesn't harm them and sometimes they need to stretch their lungs.

Also sometimes lil miss will wake up and just want to suck on something so we pop a dummy in her mouth... but she never leaves the bedroom once she is in it, and we never talk to her, meet her eyes if we need to go in and settle her.

You might want to try a working down... low lights, sounds etc because babies can become over stimulated very easily, which means they have trouble sleeping. but it mummy cuddles and boob work fine... why mess with design. :think:
Evie is good at getting herself off to sleep and is quite happy to be put down in her crib with her music and lights mobile on.

If she's crying I tend to put her in her crib and put the mobile thingy calms her down :lol:
Erm I dont know what to advise as I havent had problems since she was 8 weeks.

Immy has a light show in her cot that we put on if she wakes up and knowing were in the room as well helps her drop off, i dont talk to her though or pick her up, i usually make shussing noises at her and she usually calms down and nods off.

We started with a wond down routine when she was small too which helped immensely.
We're lucky that ellie seems to go to sleep fairly easily (when shes not colicy/windy) when shes tired and just goes to sleep with some gentle rocking or usually on my boob after her bedtime feed :)
Have no idea! We had one week of relatively good nights and now she is back to her usual tricks. She goes down to sleep in the evening fine - no crying etc but the problem starts after midnight and she is awake for hours (until 4am last night and then up at 6).
I have a similar problem because I don't want to let her cry herself to sleep at 3am.... and don't know what she wants. Won't settle using all the normal things.
We have a light musical thing in Jack's cot so as soon as he has his last feed we put him straight into his cot awake and he gets himself off to sleep. I can't leave him to cry though :cry: He just works himself up and I don't like it so if he does have the occasional night where he won't settle I usually sit by his cot and rub his tummy

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