getting a bit worried


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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I am probably sounding really stupid or i may not but.....

Jack can't sit up on his own, he falls to the side or the back
No where near crawling
Has no teeth
And can't handle finger foods... he gags on them

:( :( :( :( :(

I read on here all the time about proud mummies announcing their childs mile stones, Jack isn't doing any of it.

He says mama and baba but not dada (is that right?)

He is just 7 months but babies are doing all these thing earlier than that and i am a little worried about him.

:cry: :cry: :(
Aww try to remember every baby is different, but sooner or later it all evens out one way or the other. Brody can crawl now but maybe Jack will talk sooner, or be a maths genius or something :D
I just feel like i am not spending as much time with him as everyone else does with their little ones.
Amy was so quick with everything but with a toddler and a baby and a house to keep its hard.

I just don't want it to be me letting him down by not spending more time with him. :(

Oh god i sound so attention seeking.. i am not i just want to know if anyone elses little ones are not quite at those mile stones.

Sorry if it sounds pathetic :(

Im sure he is fine every baby does things at his or her own pace i bet once he starts he wont stop,hang in there your doign a great job and have two kids to worry about
xx Katrina
Yvonne said:
I just don't want it to be me letting him down by not spending more time with him. :(

Aw don't worry, you are a busy mom and I'm sure that he's getting enough attention, I bet Amy is giving him lots too. He'll get there in his own time try not to worry about it too much. I know plenty of babies the same age that aren't crawling or sitting up. Just try to relax and enjoy him like this...once he starts crawling you won't get much peace anyway :)
Hun Aaron didn't sit up by himself until he crawled which was about 7 and a half months then in the space of a few months he's gone from his hands and knees to crawling, to standing up and walking round furniture to then standing on his own and now walking. He's also just started standing up without pulling himself up on something. He's 11 months tomorrow. Try not to worry hun, they'll do it when they want too and then do loads!
Yvonne Ella can't crawl, only says mum when she's upset, doesn't do patticake, wave at me (all things that other mums at my baby group proudly say their LOs do), didn't roll til a day before she turned 6 months.

Remember mums post on here what their babies can do, generally not what they can't which might seem like why Jack can't do some stuff (but I bet he does lots of other things!).

As for the finger foods - when did you start him on them? If it was only recently then he will gag at first with them. It takes babies a while to get used to them :hug:

Reece was 5 months at sitting up ok. He never crawled til he was about 11.5 months and he never got any teeth til 11.5 months either.

He never got used to finger foods until after 7 months too. Mainly because I was too scared to let him try anything.
Kina i keep trying him once or twice a week for the last couple of weeks with fingers food to get him to do it gradually.

i think i am just paranoid thats all.

Thanks all
I'm feeling the same. Jess was really quick at everthing and although she didn't crawl she was standing up and pulling her self up really early. Aimee hs only just started sitting up a couple of weeks ago and is no where near crawling yet. As for finger foods she will have a go but she will gag and choke constantly. You just expect them to develop at he same rate as your other children. Well i did anyway! Aimee seems to be better at other things like clapping hands, waving and talking. She will say no no if shes doing something naughty but she will still do it anyway!
awww hun dont worry hell do things wen he is ready to
Braydon didnt have ne teeth till 7.5 months didnt crawl till 9 months and has only just started speaking apart from Gangda in the last month or so
Yvonne, i really wouldnt worry, they all develop differently and some babies reach milestones before others as you know!
you definietly dont sounds pathetic! i am also totally paranois about finger foods as im sooooo scared of him choking!!!
Aw Yvonne, don't feel bad, i know it's hard you only gota look at some of my posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was only about a week ago i was in tears 'cos Jack wasn't pulling himself up and look at him now :D

They do it when you least expect it, i think they know it winds us up lol

Jack is so much slower than Emily was and it's really hard not to compare
he was near 9 months i think when he started crawling

You would be shocked at the amount of times i have been in tears thinking something was wrong with him.

But it all comes good in the end hun
:hug: :hug:
Yvonne I bet next week you will be posting to say he can do the lot, just like I did when I was worried!! It will all come at once and you will wonder why you were concerned :hug:
Well we had been shopping in the trafford center today, got home and put jack on the floor to do his tea.
Came in the the front room and he was on hands and knees rocking backwrds and forwards!!
:cheer: :cheer:

Hopefull he will be crawling in a few days, theres on to knock of my list!
:cheer: woohoo
go on Jack you can to it
Awww Yvonne Hunni, I was just going to give you Kim as an example, she was so worried about Roo's milestones and the very next day she posted to say that Roo had done the thing she was worrying about!!!!!!!!!
Jack will get there when he is ready hun, people tend to post what their baby CAN do rather than what they cant do, its hard not to, but stop comparing LOL!!!! Dont Worry, GO JACK with the crawling, he'll have it sorted in days! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I keep finding with Noah he suddenly learns a load of things in spurts. In one weekend he learnt to crawl, pul himself into standing and get into sitting position! He is now already trying to stand on his own, but at the same time he still doesnt say mama or wave or a whole load of other things he 'should' be doing. I think sometimes they are busy learning to concentrate on other things. Its also very common for them to learn either motor skills or verbal skills at a different rate from the other. So could have lernt lots of sounds and be burbling loads and still be rubbish at moving around.

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