I put Jack to bed last night and he was really unsettled, he had been most of the day. Just acting differently, I really thought his top teeth were coming through so I tried a little bit of Bonjela and when he still wouldn't settle I tried him with a little bit of calpol.
Eventually got him to sleep and checked on him a few times, just before I went to bed I checked on him again and his cot and him was covered in sick
I got him up and started getting him cleaned and changed and he started being sick again, he was gagging on it and I was so scared he was going to choke
He's only ever had a cold before so not used to him being sick.
Anyway I called NHS direct cos he was still being sick, got a call back from a male nurse who's English wasn't the best. We spent the first 5 minutes of the call establishing I did not have the same surname as my son, everytime I said my surname was different he was asking if I was sure I was Jack's parent
He then told me he'd get a doctor out to me but said I couldn't find my doctor on his list. Was getting a bit impatient at this point as Jack was still being sick.
He said he has got through to them and they would call me back, well they did call me back to tell me they dkn't cover my area and gave me a new number to call. Called that number who said they won't send a doctor out so I had to take Jack to the walk in centre. This is about 12:30am! We get him all wrapped up and take him down only to find the place we thought it was closed, I call them to get directions only to be told they won't allow me in without an appointment
an appointment for a 24 hour walk in centre!! and my baby out in the cold at the time of night. Lost my temper on phone anyway. She said she would get a doctor to call me back who I explained to for the 5th time what was wrong with him. By this time Jack was asleep so doc told me to take him home and put him to bed.
He seems to be fine this morning so maybe a tummy bug but I am so annoyed at all of that, I was close to just going to hospital with him. My poor baby
Eventually got him to sleep and checked on him a few times, just before I went to bed I checked on him again and his cot and him was covered in sick

Anyway I called NHS direct cos he was still being sick, got a call back from a male nurse who's English wasn't the best. We spent the first 5 minutes of the call establishing I did not have the same surname as my son, everytime I said my surname was different he was asking if I was sure I was Jack's parent

He said he has got through to them and they would call me back, well they did call me back to tell me they dkn't cover my area and gave me a new number to call. Called that number who said they won't send a doctor out so I had to take Jack to the walk in centre. This is about 12:30am! We get him all wrapped up and take him down only to find the place we thought it was closed, I call them to get directions only to be told they won't allow me in without an appointment

He seems to be fine this morning so maybe a tummy bug but I am so annoyed at all of that, I was close to just going to hospital with him. My poor baby