Getting a bit scared...

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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about how quickly this pregnancy is going...

It didnt go half as quick with James...Im half way through already if i have my c section at 38 weeks!! :shock:

I can't quite get my head round the fact that in 19 weeks im gonna be a mummy of two boys. HOOOLLY CRAP!!!

Is it going really quick for anyone else?
you can have some of my days if you like :rotfl: :rotfl: i feel like mine is going soooo slowly

but i guess im waiting to start a temp job too so im booooored during the days :wall:
Hi ya,

I am due on 22nd March, am 18 weeks 4 days. The first 12 weeks went so so slowly and now all of a sudden the weeks are moving really quickly!!! I can't wait!!! Got 21 week scan on 11th November so that's the next thing to look forward to, can't wait to see how much our baby has changed!!!!!

It is scary though how fast time goes!!!! :D
hell yeah its going fast aint it! I feel the same to be honest but keep thinking April seems years way iykwim? I cant believe where my pregnancy has gone so far and to be honest it still feels weird when I say "my pregnancy" or look at my ever expanding waist line :lol:
Jen&James said:
about how quickly this pregnancy is going...

I can't quite get my head round the fact that in 19 weeks im gonna be a mummy of two boys. HOOOLLY CRAP!!!

Is it going really quick for anyone else?

:rotfl: :rotfl: (especially the HOOOLLY CRAP bit :D )

I remember with Evie I used to sit back and saviour the pregnancy milestones, now its like 'where did that 20wks go? :think:
Sitting back and relaxing is not an option with an 18month old (thank the lord she sleeps for 1hr+ in the afternoons!!)

Its so different this time round, still ace, but at a very fast speed!!
:hug: :hug:
I know what you mean, even though my pregnancy with Jeremy was really short it felt like forever, this pregnancy is just racing by. I ate pate on toast the other day as i forgot i was pregnant!
I'm feeling exactly the same!
I find myself wishing time would slow down a bit so I can enjoy being pregnant as it might be a while until I am again! :D
Its going faster than lightening this time round, coz im so busy now and tbh im not always aware that im pregnant this time - i just forget! Im so excited. I just cant wait to meet the second little person we created and watch my daughters grow together :D
cant believe i going to 3rd tri next week :shock:

its gone sooooo quick
xCarly said:
Its going faster than lightening this time round, coz im so busy now and tbh im not always aware that im pregnant this time - i just forget! Im so excited. I just cant wait to meet the second little person we created and watch my daughters grow together :D

Thats exactly it for me too Carly.

How mad is it that we did it together the first time round and now here we are again?!
Jen&James said:
xCarly said:
Its going faster than lightening this time round, coz im so busy now and tbh im not always aware that im pregnant this time - i just forget! Im so excited. I just cant wait to meet the second little person we created and watch my daughters grow together :D

Thats exactly it for me too Carly.

How mad is it that we did it together the first time round and now here we are again?!

I know lol.. and Sam ( Toxic_Angel ) aswell :) You'll have 2 boys, I'll have 2 girls :cheer: Sam finds out Nov 11th.. maybe 1 of each for her :) x
My god i feel the same. Im in 3rd trimester in 3 days. Thats too scary for words x
mine was going really fast till i hit 3rd tri and now it seems to be dragging abit

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