Getting a bit p'd off...


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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not sure if this is the right place but its regarding a relationship with a friend so here goes..

:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

I am friends with a girl who I have known since primary school. We are best mates. She has no kids of her own. She can be annoying sometimes but I let it go over my head as she is a good laugh 99.% of the time. Recently though everytime I talk about Jack she says i've become a baby bore!! :roll: I mean he is my baby and my life and of course i'm going to talk a lot about him.

It's making me really paranoid though everytime I talk to people I worry that i'm talking to much about Jack which is fecking ridiculous!! Oh I dunno. Just getting a bit sick of it.

Does anyone have friends the same?
My best mate has ditched me!!! She made out she was excited for me etc. The morning i gave birth i text her, she said she wasn't coming to see me for a few weeks as she "doesn't do newborn babies!" Angel will be 9 weeks old on Sunday, she hasn't text me since!
Yet i see it her Facebook status occasionally that she's babysitting someone elses baby!
So i'm officially on my own now. I have my OH and Sisters left! That's it!

But when you have kids they are a part of you! What else do you wanna talk about except your favourite subject and proudest achievement!
aww hun thats awful. the thing is whenever my mates have had babies in the past I have always made a fuss and never ever resented them for talking about their children so don't know why this friend is the way she is :doh:
It's a bit gutting coz we've been mates 10 years. But i decided she's not worth it. I'd think the same if she said i'm a baby bore. The baby thing comes with who you are now! So if she can't accept that this is your life now then she's not worth bothering with. I don't have any friends with kids (we'll i have no friends now) but if i did i'd make a huge fuss too! I love kids. I have 4 nephews and they get as much attention now as before i was pregnant!
In my opinion she is either jealous, put out because you are now a responsible parent (not that you wasn't responsible before) or she really isn't a friend at all. It's such a shame that some of us do not live nearer each other as we could arrange coffee mornings and talk to kingdom come about our babies!

It's a shame she's become like this, I really hope that you can sort this out, you have been mates a long time :hug:

edit: Ooops double posted...sorry! :roll: :lol:
I think she is jealous. I feel for her cos she hasn't been on the pill for 7 years whilst she has been with her OH, she hasn't fallen pregnant and is scared she can't have kids. I can completely understand that cos I was the same when I was with my husband. She knew that as we both discussed our fears and said we were in the same boat. When she found out I was pregnant she said 'oh right, so i'm gonna be the only one without kids now' in really nasty way. No congrats or anything. She won't go to the docs about not falling pregnant. I try to be as supportive as possible cos I do know how she feels but I can' just pretend Jack doesn't exist.

I agree Kaz - would be brill to have coffee mornings with you lot :lol:
My single no kids best mate... ditched me as soon as I became pregnant! I work with her too... and she hasnt spoke to me since.. and when I took Fynn into work a few weeks ago she completely ignored me and Fynn!

My folks and my boss at work say that shes jealous, because Iv got everything in my life that she wants but hasnt got!

Sounds to me like your mate is jealous of you.

P.S. Can I come to your coffee morning :wave:
Foxxi said:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Foxxi said:
P.S. Can I come to your coffee morning :wave:

No :talkhand:


Is it cos Iv got a baby?? IS IT..IS IT?? :shakehead:

I promise I'll try not to talk about him all the time!!! :wink:

:rotfl: :rotfl: No it's cos we'll end up in a scrap if you continue to have strange fantasies about MY man :wink:
:) Not just you my "friend" only wants to see me so she can see how "fat" I have gotten.....charming.
I used to be concious of not being a baby bore on nights out till someone asked me did I not like talking about my kids.

Now I talk about them to anyone who will listen :lol:

Sod your friend, what does she talk about? Nothing as interesting as Jack I bet.
I'd rather have no friends (which i don't) than hang out with someone who's bitter about who i am now.
Which is why since the week i've been here, i've lived here :D
Everyone wants to talk babies! Lol
Some of my friends give the blank look :| :| when I talk about Willow but at the end of the day, they are all under the age of 21, i wouldn't expect them to suddenyl come over all maternal :lol: however when we are out together avec baby, she ends up getting spoilt...they are still young enough to appreciate baby paraphrenalia :rotfl:

One girl, who used to be my friend, said something along the lines of "I'm so sick of hearing her talk about her baby...she should just get over herself already, nobody cares!"

And another girl has said some really, really nasty things about me and Willow. I was going to do her knees in, :lol: but decided not to when I found out she'd had an abortion :think:

Mind you, I wouldn;t mind a friend that had a baby :( even the few people I do know are nothing like me :shock: they're all really chavvy over here
zebrastripes said:
Some of my friends give the blank look :| :| when I talk about Willow but at the end of the day, they are all under the age of 21, i wouldn't expect them to suddenyl come over all maternal :lol: however when we are out together avec baby, she ends up getting spoilt...they are still young enough to appreciate baby paraphrenalia :rotfl:

One girl, who used to be my friend, said something along the lines of "I'm so sick of hearing her talk about her baby...she should just get over herself already, nobody cares!"

And another girl has said some really, really nasty things about me and Willow. I was going to do her knees in, :lol: but decided not to when I found out she'd had an abortion :think:

Mind you, I wouldn;t mind a friend that had a baby :( even the few people I do know are nothing like me :shock: they're all really chavvy over here

If I lived in N Ireland I'd so be calling you for baby meetups :)

SC... I don't know what some people's problems are. I wouldn't disown somebody for having a baby, obviously, but I spose I'm lucky with my closest friend being someone I actually met on here :D

Everyone at work gives blank looks though... so I've taken in a photo frame and cute picture and left it at that. People can see I have a baby, if they want to know they'll ask. They don't though :(
none of my childless friends have said anything but im very aware when i speak to them and i restrict the melissa talk LOADS- i remember what it was like being a not-even-SLIGHTLY-broody party girl and how i used to think people with babies were the dullest most boring people ever- i hate the thought of me talking about my precious little baby and the other person being bored shitless- it hurts my feelings to think someone might not even be a bit taken by her! so i dont go on about her to avoid thinking that they might be all :roll: when iv gone!

tbh because my favourite subject now is my little princess i prefer company of the friends who DO have children- and of course you lot! coz i can woffle on about her and y'all show an interest and in turn i genuinely enjoy listening to others talk about theirs!

but yeah, i watch myself around people like that- i couldnt help it once tho- about 6 months ago i was at the salon gettin my hair done and a guy came in who i'd not seen for ages- from my clubbing heyday, he is still on the scene tho- and he asked how baby was (i realise now it was a pleasantry he wasnt REALLY interested!) and my eyes lit up at the opportunity and i said "u wanna see a picture?" and before he could answer i whipped my fone out of my bag- as i did so i just caught a glimpse of the expression on his face it said a thousand words! he looked just like i used to feel when i was the coolest thing ever (well i thought i was! lol) and some proud parent imposed their kid on me and i used to think to myself "oh no, please dont show me its too much of an effort to pretend cooing, im not into children, leave me alone!"
i knew he was thinking just that and i regretted my haste then coz i felt a bit crushed showing off my little girl to someone who couldnt appreciate her cuteness! i learned from that experience and now i resist the urge to whip out my fone to anyone! only folk i know will actually look at the pic and not just stare right through the fone! :lol:
I don't really see my old friends much any more because they're scattered round the country having gone to uni & stayed away. When they come back & we meet up I do talk about DS a lot but they tend to ask about him because they don't see us a lot.

There's only one old friend I don't really speak to any more because when I was pregnant she went on about how she was going to take my baby for his/her first joint when he'she turned 12! :shock: And then told me I wasn't allowed to dress my child in 'gender specific' clothes because it was like putting him in a box. I pretty much told her where to go and we haven't really spoken since (she doesn't have kids).

My best friend down here is my sister :oops: I know that's quite sad but we get on well, she's got 3 kids who I love, and we do loads together!

So sorry no advice on the friend situation Sweetcheeks, I just ditched mine when I couldn't cope with her attitude! :wink:
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maybebaby said:
My best friend down here is my sister :oops: I know that's quite sad but we get on well, she's got 3 kids who I love, and we do loads together!

Same. My older sister has 3 kids, the youngest being 2 weeks younger than Angel, and younger sis with a little boy too.
I'd love to jut have to opportunity do go on about my baby, but my 1 best mate ditched me the day i gave birth! I was in hospital and only text her to say i'd had her. She text me the next day saying "I take it you're too busy to reply" and that was it. She aint text since. I aint seen her since January when we went out for her birthday. But i didn't stay out long or drink as i was 26weeks!

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