Round here (Blackburn) it seems they offer the GTT if your BMI is 30 or over or you have family history of diabietes. I had to go an see a consultant as well which to be honest didn't do anything. I have mine at 26 weeks. Im also having extra growth scans at 28 and 34 weeks.
I think your BMI has to be quite high for them to send you for one, but other than that I believe its just if you have FH of Diabetes or had GD in previous pregnancies or shows up in your Urine.
I have GTT at 28weeks because lots of Diabetes in my family. x
I have no diabetes in family, BMI was 26 and I was automatically taken with routine bloods at around 28 weeks. I also had it checked again at 36 weeks cause fundus was measuring big and was just below the cut off....they could have taken it at first because i'm over 35. But i think all boroughs are different.
They do it for everyone here (Sussex) had a blood test at one of my regular midwife appts - think it was either 26 or 28 wks. Had to drink some regular lucozade 1 hr before appt then she took the blood. If it comes back with high glucose you get refered to the hospital for the fasting test which gives you an exact reading to indicate if you've developed diabetes or not.
If you're at all worried about it I'd ask if you can have the test xx
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