Gestational Diabetes...


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Does everyone automatically get the GTT?

it's not been mentioned to me at any point...what prompts them giving you it normally?

results of urine samples...?

I had one early, and got one again at 28... But this might be because I had it with my first... If my memory is correct, and it may well not be, it's decided by family history and urine sample results. how helpful was that hahaha!
he he....there is no history of any diabetes in my family.....and so far urine been okay.....

just cos im not a small girl, thought maybe i would have to have it......guess not. xx
Nothings been mentioned to me about it. I wonder if it's triggered when they check your wee at MW appointments or something? xx
I think its if they find glucose in your urine at any of your appointment, the strip tests they do will change colour in the presence of sugar as well as other things :) xx
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if you are overweight or have a family history of it they will automatically send you for the test, if not then you only need it if they detect sugar in your urine
its done regardless if your bmi is above a certain point as its deemed you are more at risk if already overweight by a certain amount

i have one booked as my bmi is high before i got pregnant and im consultant led too.
yeah i have one at 28 weeks as my bmi is 40, but im not under a consultant lol
I had one but only because I was measuring between 4 and 6 cms bigger than my dates.
oh right round here you go under shared care so you have both midwife and consultant appts. also another scan at 32 weeks for growth.
do you know what your bmi has to be over to automatically get sent for one?
not too sure - i have a booklet they gave me when they booked the test but its in the car with my notes. if no-one else replies ill check my book tomorrow with what it says
I have a high bmi but wouldn't automatically have had GTT, it was only because I was measuring much bigger than my dates. Ended up being down to excess fluid and big baby-not GD.
well since anything over 25 is obese and anything over 28/30 is really obese lol id say anyone over either of those would qualify
well i was 33 and it wasnt even mentioned.......i was put as low risk and everything..hmmmm

my last urine was completely maybe they will only send me if it shows any sugars at future tests
i think all areas operate differently by the looks of it. maybe just as m/wife when you see her.
I had the GTT as my mother is a type 2 diabetic.
Where I live they test your pee at mw appts and if glucose is indicated you get sent for a GTT. I had GD and it got detected at 28 weeks.
My bmi is 35 and my mum has diabetes so the midwife said I would have to have the test.

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