Gestational Diabetics?


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
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Anyone here have gestational diabetes?
I had it with my first baby and now I am concerned about having it again...I will be tested in about 5 weeks I am just anxious...Anyone have it only once? Or anyone have it with multiple pregnancies?
My mom is an insulin diabetic so I don't know if this adds to the threat...
Well I think that maybe I found out today that I have gestational diabetes again...By accident...I had mentioned being tested early to my obgyn but they weren't concerned about it and said we would do the testing at the regular time...Well I went to my family Dr today because my back has been acting up really bad...They took a urine specimen..The nurse came back in and asked if my obgyn has been checking my sugar and I told her no...She said I had sugar in my urine...So they poked my finger and tested my blood sugar...It was at 150...The norm is between 70 - 110...But I had eaten breakfast about an hour earlier so I don't know if that is why...But she seemed concerned and told me to check with the obgyn asap...Now I have a huge headache and don't know if it is connected in any way...So I don't know...I will update when I find out for sure...I really don't want to go through the whole poking myself 6 times a day again and being on a strict diet...It just plain sucks...But you gotta do what is best for the lil one...
Hiya Pansy

i've never worked in the states, but in the UK if concerned about the possiblility of gestational diabetes, we test our women with a Glucose Tolerance Test. This is a test whereby we look to see how the body copes with a huge ingestion of sugar. Usually a blood test will be taken before the test to see how much glucose is in your blood. Then you would take a drink of somehting that tastes disgusting as it is pure sugar. Two hours later your glucose levels get tested again - if your pancreas is working well then you will have mopped up all that glucose in your blood...if not the reading is high...hence a diagnosis.

We measure blood glucose in the same way intially...with a little finger prick test, but it is measured as mmols/l s, normal range of this is between 4-8 mmols/l.

Good luck...fingers crossed for you :D


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