Gestational diabetes test - yuck!


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I had my gestational diabetes test this morning and it was horrible! They took my blood and I then had to drink a whole cup of this gloopy, syrupy disgusting drink. :sick:
I then had to wait 2 hours before going back for another blood test.
Within about 10mins of drinking this glucose drink, I felt SO sick I thought I was going to throw it up; I kept thinking 'please don't be sick, I don't want to drink that horrible stuff again!'

I then went very hot and faint and nearly passed out. I kept feeling like this for the whole 2 hours before having my blood tested again. I don't know if it was because you're not allowed to eat anything for 12 hours prior to taking the test that made me feel like this, or if I was just having a bad day, but I hope I don't have to do that again in a hurry! it's left me feeling really unwell and I had to go for a lie down when I got home.

Sorry, bit of a pointless post, just felt like letting that out!
I have one booked in July and I'm really not looking forward to it! Sounds as bad as I imagined! Urgh!
Laura_C: You might cope with it better than me, but I'd suggest taking something to eat with you so you can eat as soon as you leave the hospital, I think thats what made me feel so icky. I don't cope well if I don't eat lol! It's left me with a stonking headache too, makes me wonder if I'll fail the test because of how my body reacted to it :( But I'm no expert, will just have to wait and see. x
It did exactly the same with me my last pregnancy, I felt so ill we had to stop at the supermarket to get some food in me on the way home, I had a horrible headache and spent the rest of the day in bed. It all came back fine though. I have one this time next month as my BMI just fell in the bracket again (was gutted), going to make sure I take food with me for afterwards this time.
My letter recommends eating some tea and toast at the cafe before I leave, so I planned to do that. I do not cope well missing a meal let alone going 12 hours, I am gonna be evil!! I get the terrible headaches etc so not gonna be good. T least it's done now and you won't have to have another :)
oh dear... that doesn't sound very nice!

does everyone need to do this test?..., it's only if you have a history of diabetes in your family or if your BMI is higher than it should be as far as I'm aware.
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Aww hope you're feeling better soon chick :hug: and your test results are ok too :) x
I'm having it because my last baby had Hydrops, no diabetes except type 2 in older generation in my family and my BMI is ok but it's being done as a precaution in case I was starting to develop gestational diabetes last time. I had no sign of it but it can be a cause so better to be safe than sorry :)
It's horrid isn't it. I had to go through it twice too seeing as hosp forgot to send my first bloods to the lab and they went bad!! X
Oh no poor you, hope your feeling better, I've got my gtt on 23rd June am dreading it :(
Ask your hospital about the glucose solution & if there is an alternative. My hospital allowed you to drink original Lucozade. You take your own large bottle & they measure it out for you. It's much more pleasant to drink & easier to keep down. I still fainted after they took my first bloods & felt very dizzy & week whilst waiting the 2 hours for the re-test too. Definitely take something to eat or drink immediately after you have your second blood test, as the fasting & then sugar rush & blood tests can make you feel really weird. Luckily I did not have diabetes & didn't need a re-test. But ask about drinking Lucozade instead, the worst they can say is no x

Sunnyb xxx
Thanks Sunnyb, I love Lucozade so that would be a much better alternative! Turns out I do have gestational diabetes though :( They called me today (see my thread in third trimester)
They'll keep a close eye on you & baby then. Do you have to do prick test daily? Are you just diet controlled too? My sister in law had it during pregnancy (OH dad is diabetic). She had to do prick test & inject insulin every day & managed to get to pretty much full term with her son. So don't stress too much about it hun x

Sunnyb xxx
I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to have to do yet, my first appointment with the diabetes specialist is tomorrow along with a growth scan. I assume I'll have to do a prick test daily. And I'll have to be induced before 39 weeks.
Thanks for your help :) x

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