Gestational diabetes & big baby


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2011
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I thought this thread would be a way to update you on what's been happening with me & also for anyone going through GTT or GD

I posted a thread in which I expressed my worry over having a HUGE baby- at 35 weeks he measured 8lbs 5oz, I am also carrying too much fluid as a result they wanted to repeat my GTT test = result gestational diabetes

I was told Monday and asked to come in 9am Tuesday (at exactly 37 weeks) I met with a dietitian, diabetic nurse and a consultant - had more bloods taken, urine sample, issued a little blood sugar device and sent for a growth scan

I was told is baby weighed more than 4.5kg (aprox 9.9 lbs) then I would be booked for a c section and if under I would be allowed a natural birth BUT not allowed to term and induced at 38/39 weeks. THANKFULLY he hasn't grown much 8lb 10oz! So big babies can slow down (still have too much fluid)

I have another clinic appointment at 38 weeks next Tuesday. In the mean time if my blood sugars are high I was told to phone them and they'd probably induce sooner rather than medicate as I'm so close to term and baby is a good weight.

I was told that GD goes away within 48hrs of birth and my blood will be checked - baby shouldn't be effected really although he may need to be monitored for a couple of hours if his blood sugar drops.

I am so fed up I am obviously measuring bigger due to fluid midwife commented on how tight my bump is and it's tender to the touch and spd is rendering me pretty immobile - topped off with a bomb site in place of my house... I have the 'nesting' instinct but physically & mentally far too exhausted!
Thanks so much for posting this. I'm so sorry you are feeling so rubbish, is there anyone else who could help with the housework so that you can rest?

Keep us posted on how your appointments least if you are induced early you get to meet your baby sooner!!

Thanks so much for posting this. I'm so sorry you are feeling so rubbish, is there anyone else who could help with the housework so that you can rest?

Keep us posted on how your appointments least if you are induced early you get to meet your baby sooner!!


No problem, I hope it'll reassure people who are having GTTs or are diagnosed with GD .... The whole diabetic team, Health care advisors, dieticians, diabetic nurses and consultants are really supportive & reassuring it's way less scary then it sounds :)

I am very excited about meeting baby sooner & being able to have the birth I want (natural) induction is a small price to pay :)

I am sure there are people to help but I am fiercely independent and am rubbish at asking for help- which is why a csection would be rubbish for me - I hate relying on people!

Oh hun, I can empathise completely. I carried excess fluid and it was a nightmare, I was measuring 55 weeks when my waters burst at 38+5, and it was the biggest relief of my life! I tested negative for GD but they did keep telling me I was having htis huge baby!

One thing I will say is, when my waters went it put baby into distress, my body wasn't ready for labour and it led to a nightmare birth. If I had carried excess fluid again this time I would've opted for section and not let them leave me to go natural again!

Hope you're not waiting too much longer to meet LO xxx
Thank you Maria1977, I am so uncomfortable it is unreal! My consultant wants me to have a natural birth as she figures it will be the safest and less traumatic option -it's my preference purely because of the recovery time that said if I need an emergency csection or epidural I'll have one- I guess whatever I'd safer for baby & me


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