gentle movements. :-/


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2011
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His ladies.

I need some reassuance. Crumpet is still moving and I've never had to count his movements before because he is so active normally... but i think he has turned and possibly and hoping he is in position, I've felt a few nudges and a few taps he had 2/3 big bum stretchs. Does that sound normal for how far i am? Should they start to lessen from the big kicks and punches now?
Hi hun. Im the same. Dont get kicks anymore, just squirming as at this stage they are running out of room. I generally get a squirm and then see the bum or legs poking out :-)
I don't get BIG kicks now much either, only every now and again. They don't have as much room to swing about now though do they. If you have a dramatic change in movement suddenly though it might be worth getting checked out hun x
In just getting stretches and prods really. No strong rib shots etc anymore x
I don't get kicks either now, I just feel her rolling around, stretching out and sometimes she pokes her hands and feet out :) xxx
Im soo happy :) he has been a little wriggler this morning, only 2gentle kicks but lots of nudging about!

i was starting to stress as he normally nudges me when i turn during the night, but i felt nothing. i was waiting for my doctors to open so i could call my midwife and then i saw and felt his foot poke out slightly.

its unbelieveable how much of a routine he has already and how easily i realise when he isnt sticking to it.

Thanks for the replies ladies :)

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