Gender scan Monday - just thrown up!!!

oooooooh I was wondering the other day when you find out. I'm sending you all the pink vibes hun xxxxx
Omg you will be on fire on Monday if you get told its a pink bundle! I understand y your nervous.

Good luck for Monday and I REALLY hope your team pink!!!

I'm thinking pink for you, fingers crossed and hoping HER legs aren't xx
Hi cos, I've thought about you a few times lately wondering when your scan was! Have everything crossed for you that you get your little pink bundle on Monday xxx
Don't often stray in here, but wanted to send you some pink vibes for Monday. I know you want this badly
Best of luck for ur scan on Monday cos, I hope u get ur pink bundle. Although looking at ur 12 week scan pic, I would have said girl from the nub anyway :) xxx
Good luck, hope all goes well & you find out it's a little girly :) xx
Thanks everyone, your support has really meant a lot to me, not long now xx
:pray: praying for a pink bundle cos! I have everything crossed for you x

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Really hoping she's a pink Hun!! Can't wait to hear on Monday!!! Good luck! Xxx
sending lots of pinkness your way Cos good luck xx
Thanks so much girls.
Super nervous today but got the the twins birthday party to keep me occupied x
The emotions about wanting a girl after 4 boys (esp after twins so like double the work) must be intense! I really hope u get a pink bundle, fingers crossed.

Hope u have a great busy time at the party xxx
Good luck for your scan tomorrow Cos, fingers crossed for pink xxx
Will be thinking of you tomorrow Cos!! Hope it goes well x
Good luck cos xx really hope you get a healthy pink bundle Xxx

Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk
Ah good luck for tomorrow hun xx

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