Gender reveal!


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
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Hi ladies.

Im pregnant with #2 and I would like to surprise both sets of our parents with a gender reveal.

Im not sure how we will do it though as I have seen lots of ideas online but companies are based in America mainly as I think its more popular there.

I like the idea of the balloon pop but I can't find a place that does them here (without you knowing too). My hub and I would like to be surprised too so I dont know what to do.
I was thinking of enlisting our good neighbours to do the balloon for us but it feels weird them knowing even before us!!
I live in Warrington and there are lots of gender scan places but non say they do these filled balloons- does anyone know of a place that does them?

Once we know the gender ourselves we can do one for our in laws or I was thinking of making filled cupcakes with pink or blue inside to take to visit them.

What are your thoughts ladies? I do have a good month to go until we can find out!

Thanks xxxx
If your going for a private scan, ask them to write it down in an evelope so you don't no.

Then call a few party shops or cakemakers, you might not be able to get a filled balloon but a box filled with balloons would be easy to do. I've seen a few vlogs on YouTube of UK ladies doing similar. My favourite one was they had the scan and had the envelope and the family (she had 2 little girls already) went into a shop and spoke to the lady at the counter and basically the girls picked a boy and a girl outfit and the lady looked at the envelope and gift wrapped the right outfit for the gender, then they took it out at home it was lovely!
Sounds fun! It should be pretty easy, I'm sure most cake makers would help xx

Have you looked at Lollipop in Manchester? X

Just looked online and overall would cost around £100 to go there and tjey do balloon. Will price up how much it would be to do our own and see if its cheaper to go there!! Thanks xx
I know not on the high street does a lovely black one that says we are having a... but ofcourse they send you the both colours to do yourself I presume. I'd perhaps ring a card or balloon shop ask if they could do it for you if you supply the stuff and just pay for the helium and do what the lady says above. Get the scan company to note it down and pass it to whoever is filling the balloon.I love the balloon ones.

Good luck xxx

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