gender related? *updated pg.2*


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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there is absolutely NO "scientific evidence" behind this, its just a hunch.

co-incidentally, my mum and i are both 5'4", size 4 shoes, both size 6-8 both first babies were girls born on their due dates and i was 6lb12 millie was 7lb7. we also both had m/c around a year after our first babys birth. mine was only 5 weeks but my mum's was 16 weeks so she knew it was a boy. she went on to hav my little sis.

my older sis (well, half sis tyo be precise, different mum) has had 3 girls. my dad joked when i found out millie was a girl "oh, the family curse, my name wont carry on!" or something, lol coz he has had 3 daughters and now has 4 granddaughters.

idk why but i had a feeling the baby i lost wouldve been a boy. as my mum lost a boy, and its all girls in my family, was wondering if perhaps genetically i might not be able to carry a boy? :( :think:

i'd quite like a boy, well because my big sis has been sterilized, i dont think my lil sis is gonna have kids and my boyf's brother's wife i think has been sterilized after their twin girls so iv no nephews, no brothers and i'd like a son too!

what do u think, can mcs be gender related?
My friend told me of someone she knew who kept miscarrying - and every miscarriage was a girl - she went on to have 3 boys who were perfectly healthy. Apparently her doctor said to her that some people just can't carry one gender.

Don't know if it's scientific or not - it's just hearsay.

I wondered the same thing, as I really felt like mine was a girl and there are a lot of boys in both our families.
my friend has 6 mc all girls mc'd after 12 weeks and ended up with 3 boys
I have a friend who had 9 mc's she had lots of tests and found out they have a genetic disorder in the family where they can only carry girls, her Mum and Sis also had a few miscarriages.

My friend now has 2 healthy girls and her sis has girls too.

So I believe it could be possible to only carry either boys or girls.
Oh my id never ever think of something like that

Thats insane :shock:
My boyfriends mum had a girl then had 2 late m/c and was told they were both boys and that she would never be able to carry a boy so when she was preg with OH she was certain it was a girl. Its the same all through his side of the family, he is the only boy out of all of his cousins so we have to have a boy to carry on the family name.
oh no, this isnt what i wanted to hear :( its sad to think i can never have a son :(
I know someone who was told she could only have girls due to some strange blood group clash between her and her OH.

I've had 3 girls and one miscarriage (which was pretty early at 6 weeks but I just have this strong feeling it was a boy). I'm thinking I would love a boy now but I do wonder if I'm simply not designed to have them.

Having said that, I do know of people that have had 3 girls and then had a boy.
trixipaws said:
oh no, this isnt what i wanted to hear :( its sad to think i can never have a son :(

My ex boyf's mum ended up having 6 boys. She had 4 miscarriages in between and every time they were girls. She was told that she couldnt carry girls but had one last try. Her daughter is now 10!! Theres always hope hun, dont let yourself feel down :hug:
Cyprus08 said:
trixipaws said:
oh no, this isnt what i wanted to hear :( its sad to think i can never have a son :(

My ex boyf's mum ended up having 6 boys. She had 4 miscarriages in between and every time they were girls. She was told that she couldnt carry girls but had one last try. Her daughter is now 10!! Theres always hope hun, dont let yourself feel down :hug:

ooh thats a lovely story gives me hope :)
Don't forget hun - these are all just individual stories, not scientific proof. There is nothing saying you won't be able to have a healthy baby boy so i wouldn't panic too much!

I'd love a boy and a girl (trying to work on having either at the moment!!!!).

Stay positive honey :hug:
My mother had quite a few m/c before having me & was told she couldn't carry boys. I had a m/c in July & I'm hoping the same is not true for me. I always wanted a brother so would love DD to have a brother & me & DH a son.
ooh daisyrose, i'm gonna go off googling now i think- i have a rare blood type (A.B.positive) which is the same as my mum's! altho idk what my boyf's blood type is tho. could be just mine thats got summink wrong with it :(
i spose its comfort to everyone else tho if it is my blood type coz probably none of y'all got AB+ so the "girls only" rule shouldnt apply. hmm, curious... :think:
off to google...
ooh i found this site its really interesing! clicky

i submitted this question so we'll see!

I have just suffered a miscarriage 17 months after my first child (a girl) was born. My blood group is AB positive. My mother's blood group is also AB+ and she had two daughters and a late miscarriage in between my sister and I, it was a boy. My own miscarriage was too early to tell which gender it was, but I am wondering if there is a chance I am unable to carry boys? My older half-sister (different mother, I dont know hers or her mother's blood types) has had 3 girls. I don't know what my partner's blood type is, if that makes any difference?
according to the site it seems my baby did not have a gender yet? thats what i infer from this what i read anyway:

Sexual differentiation is a complex process, and the role of all the genes involved are not completely understood at present. At the time of conception, an embryo receives either two X chromosomes or an X and a Y chromosome. With normal development, an individual with two X chromosomes will develop into a female, and an individual with an X chromosome and a Y chromosome will be male. In the early embryo, there are a set of cells that are called the primordial germ cells. These cells are undifferentiated meaning the cells have the ability to develop into male or female gonads (testes or ovaries). In the sixth week of development, the primordial germ cells migrate to the gonadal ridges. There the germ cells are surrounded by a set of cells called the sex cords and form a pair of primitive gonads. Up until that time, the developing gonad has the potential to become either a testicle or an ovary. When the SRY gene, which is located on the Y chromosome, is expressed, it causes the formation of testes, seminiferous tubules and Leydig cells. Leydig cells secrete androgens, such as testosterone. The male external genitalia develop under the influence of androgens. If no Y chromosome (and thus no SRY gene) is present, the gonad develops into an ovary. Without the influence of androgens, the external genitalia take a female form.
I don't know if I believe in gender carrying tbh. There is this woman at my church who miscarried numbers 1, 3, 4 and 6, all of them apparently boys, but children numbers 2 and 5 were boys. Child number 7 was a girl. Yes, she went through 4 mcs (all second trimester) and was told she probably couldn't carry boys, but her 2nd and 5th pregnancies were healthy baby boys. The doctors were stumped.

My (half) sister has had 4 mcs (all 1st trimester) with one mc at 12 weeks. That one was a boy. However, she went on to carry a boy to full term.

I was told my gran couldn't carry boys (she had only girls) and they were worried it would be inherited by all her girls, yet 3 out of the 5 girls she had all had boys.

See what I mean? I can't say I believe in the gender carrying thing. It's too easy to use as an "excuse". Seeing there's only a 50-50 chance of having a boy (or a girl), no one can say what will happen when you get pregnant with either one. Also, seeing as most mcs occur before the 12th week, and subsequently too early to see a gender, no one can really say what sex the baby was when it was mc'ed. Does this make any sense? I don't expect anyone to agree with me, but this is how I see it.

Trixipaws, I hope you go on to have another successful pregnancy :hug: :hug: :hug:
trixipaws said:
according to the site it seems my baby did not have a gender yet? thats what i infer from this what i read anyway:

Sexual differentiation is a complex process, and the role of all the genes involved are not completely understood at present. At the time of conception, an embryo receives either two X chromosomes or an X and a Y chromosome. With normal development, an individual with two X chromosomes will develop into a female, and an individual with an X chromosome and a Y chromosome will be male. In the early embryo, there are a set of cells that are called the primordial germ cells. These cells are undifferentiated meaning the cells have the ability to develop into male or female gonads (testes or ovaries). In the sixth week of development, the primordial germ cells migrate to the gonadal ridges. There the germ cells are surrounded by a set of cells called the sex cords and form a pair of primitive gonads. Up until that time, the developing gonad has the potential to become either a testicle or an ovary. When the SRY gene, which is located on the Y chromosome, is expressed, it causes the formation of testes, seminiferous tubules and Leydig cells. Leydig cells secrete androgens, such as testosterone. The male external genitalia develop under the influence of androgens. If no Y chromosome (and thus no SRY gene) is present, the gonad develops into an ovary. Without the influence of androgens, the external genitalia take a female form. is quite confusing.....

I THINK what it is saying is that as soon as the egg is fertilised, whether it will be a girl or a boy is decided (i.e. by which chromasomes it gets) but that the genitals don't develop until much later on (which is why you can't tell whether it is a boy or a girl til the later scans). Or at least that how I read it.

I do see what you are saying emeraldsroses about not scientifically knowing what gender the baby was. I think for some people who lose babies early, it is just gut feeling as to whether it was a boy or a girl - there is no actual way of knowing. I had a strong feeling mine was a girl right before I m/cd (which would also fit as there is a tradition of girls first in my family) but that's not to say I am right.
my sister lost two babies in the 2nd tri 16 and 17 weeks iirc both where girls
and she has a rare blood group cant remember which one though
she has 2 sons
emeraldroses, thanku that post is just what i hoped to hear! feel more hopeful now- and thanku, i too wish myself another healthy successful pregnancy- and i shall still be thrilled if its another girl! (i'd like another one of each actually, altho not told my boyf i'd like 3 yet! :shhh: but even if i had 3 girls i would still be thrilled i do LOVEEEE my princess more than life itself, girls rock! but ideally, 2 girls 1 boy is perfect to me! :) )

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