Gave in and given him a dummy


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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Been at my sister's tonight. She and my mum watched Blake feed and confirmed what I thought - he's just been using me as a dummy.

Last 2/3 days he's fed every hour and I'm exhausted. Sis had a newborn dummy which my niece just wouldn't take at all. Tried it with Blake thinking he'd probably reject it but nope, took it straight away. Not only that, he's just slept for 5 hours (longest in about a week!).

Hoping he'll take the dummy tonight and sleep a bit longer.

Feel like a bit of a failure for giving it him though. Stupid I know but kind of feels like I'm giving in.
your not a failure hun! tegan kept using me as a dummy but she just wont take it and screams the house down x
You're not a failure at all. I have Oscar stuck to my boob ALL night and believe me, if he'd take a dummy, he'd have one!!
I'm actually really glad you've said that, because I'm planning on breastfeeding, and have
Bought dummies for the reason of the comfort sucking that makes your boobies sore lol. And I will definitely use a dummy if I have this problem. At least they sleep which means in turn, you can! X
I'm actually really glad you've said that, because I'm planning on breastfeeding, and have
Bought dummies for the reason of the comfort sucking that makes your boobies sore lol. And I will definitely use a dummy if I have this problem. At least they sleep which means in turn, you can! X
I've left introducing one until I knew he was properly established with the breastfeeding though. I was scared he wouldnt feed properly after the dummy but so far so good. The breastfeeding support lady came round on Thursday and said he was latching on perfectly and feeding great. If she hadn't said this I think I wouldve been reluctant to try it so early on.
Yeah I'd do the same I think, I agree that it's important to establish a habit before you alter it. Really glad it's going ok for you :) x
obv ur baby needs a comforter, i think ur anythin but a failure for giving it to him.... :love: xx
i vowed i wouldn't let Jack have a dummy then when i was awake 4 nights in a row feeing every hour my mum suggested the dummy and i sat there for 30mins considering it at this point he was about 3 weeks old. So i gave in.. I felt disappointed with myself and beat myself up about it but he wouldn't take it. If i ever try he heaves so no dummy still.. But ur not a failure. I have read and HV confirmed its comforting to them and there designed better for when their teeth grow through :) x
also... if you want to feel good.... my HV said theres a significantly less amount of babies who suck a dummy that die of cot death!! i am NOT saying babies who dont will die as i too didnt WANT to give Madison a dummy but she needed it just saying it made me feel better.... i think its cos even when dummy falls out they still do sucking motion xx
yeah i read that.. But he won't take it :( his doing sucking motion now without dummy lol.. Its soo cute x
aww the we pet lol honestly if he dont take one its all the better BUT it just makes ya feel better if they need it lol madison didnt take one i think till 4 weeks or shortly after xx
Thanks for all the replies girls. After taking the dummy like a dream on sat night he now hates it. He gags, spits it out and cries.

He's so clingy at the moment. I can't put him down as he wakes and screams. Argh!
baby's prerogative I'm afraid! Don't worry, it does get easier, promise x

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