Yeah CoQ10 is in my 'look into' pile.
I don't drink tea or coffee so caffeine intake is already low. OH doesn't drink much either. Neither off us smoke and neither of us drink much alcohol. So we've already got on top of the big nos without even trying.
Most of our efforts have been focused on other lifestyle areas that are definitely a bit lacking. OH has been doing the martial arts and will hopefully be increasing that to twice a week when classes restart. I've been doing yoga and also hoping to increase to twice a week soon. Also aiming to start swimming again. Got all the stuff just haven't quite made it to the pool yet!!
For diet, we've seriously reduced red meat and tried to replace with fish or meat free meals. It was something we thought was going to be a big effort but we really haven't missed it at all. Also trying to increase fruit and veg intake so homemade soups etc for lunches instead of sandwiches. Trying to cut down on sweet stuff. OH is a total sugar addict so that's been a lot tougher!!
I've also started having acupuncture and have a reflexology treatment about once a month. Of course I have no idea if any of this is doing anything to help but hopefully will improve our general health if nothing else!!
That all sounds great! We now eat alot of Mexican food now that my OH has discovered beans! Everything has refried beans in it! He is also a sugar addict, so that's really difficult. He's switched to things like coconut nectar which is a low carb natural sweetener. We both have a little sugar. We are both off gluten and dairy - can't remember if I said. Yoga is so great - I'm sure that will help. My OH has a coffee every day but I think a little bit of caffeine is ok. He even had alcohol free beer at the weekend at a party. I was reading about how bad stress is for testosterone yesterday.
I've heard good things about acupuncture!
How long have you been trying?