Game: Have you ever....???

on many an occasion - done a number 2 as well a few times :oops:

Have you ever eaten junk food all day until it has made you sick?
yes - when I was training for the RAF and I tried to change my knickers in my sleeping bag. I didn't succeed and pretty much everyone saw my lady bits :oops: :oops:

Have you ever slept with someone just to shut them up??
In that case, yes :roll: It's actually quite a naughty story :o

Have you ever gone a whole week without having shower/bath?
xJodieLoux said:
In that case, yes :roll: It's actually quite a naughty story :o

Have you ever gone a whole week without having shower/bath?

C'mon Jodie spill!!


Have you ever slept with someone & didnt know their name?
yes jodie spill lol, im intrigued

not had my experience of sex with strangers yet :rotfl:

Have you ever arranged to meet someone you met online and then never shown up
Well... I was having sex with this guy in his mates bed, his mate was in the bed too. He kept grabbing me and trying things with me and saying "Aww c'mon Jodie" He was doing my head in so I just had sex with them both :o Not my first ever threesome though.
SarahB said:
have you ever thrown up in public?

yes a couple of times

have you ever drank so much you passed out?
xJodieLoux said:
Well... I was having sex with this guy in his mates bed, his mate was in the bed too. He kept grabbing me and trying things with me and saying "Aww c'mon Jodie" He was doing my head in so I just had sex with them both :o Not my first ever threesome though.

:rotfl: naughty girl :rotfl:

Have you ever woke up in someones bed and havent had a clue whos?

yes, i was really drunk the night before and ended up it this guys bed and when i woke up we were naked and i couldnt remember him, luckily we hadnt done anything naughy!

have you ever pee'd on someone?
No, but have kind of been stalked!!!

Have you ever sunbathed naked? (in public)

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