Game: does the person bellow me ????

The inlaws do like me but sometimes my mother in law has difficulty showing it. She has a heart of gold but a tactless tongue.

The nappies thing is going to cause arguments in my house! The DH is an avid recycler, and I agree with him but feel that for those first few weeks I will not want to be scraping newborn poo from nappies, so he will end up having to do it. The arguments over this have already started! :D :cry:

My question: how did you react initially when you first realised you were definitely pregnant!?
Hi all

Well when i first found out i was pg was a bit of an odd one, the only reason i did a test was because the doc told me to as i was going to be on antibiotics for a chest infection, and i was 6 days late, which i had put down to being ill! but at the time me and bf werent talking and he was going to be leaving the house, we were in separate rooms etc!!! so my first thought to be honest was:

"Well this is going to go down like a f**king lead ballon!!! " (sorry about the language but that is what i said to myself!)

My question is: How have you coped with your emotions since being pregnant? does the slightest thing get you upset or totally irrational???
I have been really lucky during pregnancy so far, felt pretty good, no sickness etc. I have had a couple of days in a row when i cried and felt really low, not sure why, but not to do with baby or DF, prob work situations which have been getting me down. I kept saying to myself, its hormones get a grip of yourself woman, but i couldnt stop myself
Some times i have noticed myself being a bit snappy and nasty to DF, but he has been so kind to me, and understanding!!

My Question is:: Did you have any scares or worries early in pregnancy, and how did you feel when things turned out to be a-ok?
I havent suffered any scares at all, well except for the ones i make up in my mind, and get paranoid over when there is nothin wrong. I think ive been really lucky so far all i suffered with was a little nausea at the beginin and tirdness no sickness or ne thin eles not even tender or swollen breasts.
Have been suffering with extreme cases of paranoya tho, lol, which leads to my question.

Am i the only one or do u get really paranoid over silly things or jus constantly worry that something is going to go wrong.
I was very worried in the first few weeks. Every tiny twinge sent me hiding under the duvet in fright. I was constantly checking the loo paper after going to the toilet. I wasn't used to feeling any sort of stretching or achiness down there and it was a bit terrifying to me.

I have started taking it all in my stride now and haven't really worried that much since the scan.

My question:
We were all despearate to get bumps, but how are we all REALLY feeling about our bumps now that we have got them. Are they making us feel fat and frumpy or curvy and beautiful?
I love this game!! took me ages to read thru all those questions to this point lol...
Anyway hmm in answer to the bump question, i am starting to just feel fat n frumpy i felt curvy and glowing for a few weeks but now its painful n un comfortable, i was exactly the same in my last 2 pregnancies tho.
Can't wait for the baby now.

My question is :- Has anyone known or been certain about the sex of their baby to have it confirmed at a scan or at the birth?
I always felt I was having a boy, maybe because 12 years ago, a girl who read me cards told me I would have a boy and everything that she said so far happened!!! But I had this feeling it was a boy and at 90% sure the woman who did the scan said it is a boy!!!

my question is: When did you start buying stuff for baby like cot, pram, etc...? I would love to start now but my b/f and his family told me to wait for the last minute, which I do not fond funny at all, I am so excited about it !!!
Well so far I have only bought three baby grows and a matching pair of socks :-)

But as soon as I have been on my 20 week scan it will be spend spend spend!

My nursery is already in the right colour, it just needs a cot to make it look like the room it was meant to be! :D :D

I wouldn't like to have to start looking round for cots and buggies etc when I am eight months gone! I would start looking now if I were you!


My question is:-
Has everyone started rubbing oils/creams into their bump and if so what are we using? I am using Bio-Ooil. Its lovely. But pricey.
I'm going to answer the last two questions.

I haven't bought anything apart from maternity clothes so far. I'm a bit superstitious. HOWEVER, I have most of the baby stuff already, like car seats, buggy, high chair, etc, because my sisters in law arrived over with it and it's now all in our attic. All we really need to get is a cot, baby clothes and our changing table. My father has promised a Moses basket but I'd love to get my hands on the one that my siblings and I was last in the possession of my youngest aunt who may well have sold it out of the family...silly woman. Grrr.

I haven't started rubbing anything into the bumpal area, but I'm only slightly showing as yet, people look surprised when I say I'm pregnant. I have noticed my skin getting thirsty though and I have this one tiny red area on my right boob which is sooo itchy, so maybe it's time eh?

My question:
Is anyone else finding that they are starting to go grey more quickly? I have a few greys at my temples and dread getting out the dye bottle, but my hair is very long and with grey bits I'll look like a witch! They are starting to become more pronounced, and I'm wondering is it just normal ageing or is Junior giving me grey hairs already? :shock:

I went out and bought myself a large tub of coco butter wen i found out i was pregnant, i was detrmined to do evrything in my power to keep the stretch marks at bay. lol.

And for the grey hair, nope i havent noticed ne, well i havent been lookin, ohh i hope i havent got ne *quickly runs to the mirror to sift thro her hair* nope ladies definatly no grey hair, jus a full red head, oh and i noticed a few split ends, time for a hair cut i think.

My question is, When i sneeze, cough or make sudden movemnts i sometimes get a pain in my stomach, nothin severve jus a sharp shootin pain, then it goes, is it normal, and do you get any thing like this.
Booboo - all the time! It also happens when I get up too fast, but these things used to happen to me the odd time before I was preggie, so I didn't worry! *L*

Question: How soon did you feel movement or have you felt it yet? have you been worried about baby being very active one week and not hardly active at all the next? I'm only 14 and a half weeks!

I felt my little girl move from bout 17wks, was bit worried coz i felt my boys move alot earlier, and she is def not as active as they where.

next question : what type of pain relief r u going to us ? if any .
I've thought about this quite a bit because before I got pg I thought I wanted anything and everything they could give me. But now after watching too many baby programmes I'm not so sure.

I think I'm gonna have to wait until it happens and hope I can get through on gas and air, if it gets to much I know there is the option or morphine/pethidine. As a last resort it will be an epidural. I dont like the idea of having a needle inserted into my spine, my dad has a back problem and I see the pain he is in on a day to day basis so dont think I want to risk any future probs where it can be avoided. My OH sister had an epidural 5yrs ago and she still has a tender spot on her back where they did it. And when your in the middle of labour I think I would find it hard to sit still!

Ok my question: How much stuff have you got for baby if anything at this stage?
I'm 12 weeks and i have bought a lush rabbit from mamas and papas and my mam bought me a little white t shirt. i was waiting to see how my scan went, so i might start buying more things soon.

Q, Are you showing yet? If so when did you/everyone else notice a difference?
Im begining to show now, i wake up every morning lately and swear that my stomach has expanded my a million inches. Lol, it also depends wot im wearin some things exgartae my bump some jus make me look fat and some clothes make me look normal. A few ppl have cometed that i am def showin now and i ain gonna be able to keep it secret to much longer.

My question is, have u decide who u want to be with u wen u go in to labour, i had a big que of family and friends who wanted to come, and even tho i love them i dnt want ppl there who im gonna colsh with or who are gonna stress me out, my mum really wants to be there but i sed no, coss we dnt get on great and i know ill jus get stressed and wanna hit her, lol. Ive decide that the OH will onviously be there and my sis cos she will stress me the least i reckon.
I only want my OH there, if he cant cope then I guess I will have to get my mum in but other than that I want it to just be us and the midwife I think its a really private thing and a really special moment that I just want us to be witness too. Sod having all the family there trying to give advice and telling you when to push!!

My question: Have you done your nursery yet or when are you planning on doing it. I mean I thought we can order the furniture after the 20wk scan as it takes 6-8 weeks to arrive then start doing it after then. I'm really paranoid about doing stuff too early
He he he what a great game! love it.....anyone mind if i answer a few of the last questions?
Firstly i have bought a few bits, but my mum has bought lots of stuff,
secondly i have been using mothercare massage cream on my belly. not really showing much yet (tho i am a wk further on than my ticker says!) im a bit over weight any way, but dont have stretch marks.....and dont want any, this stuff is only 2.50 it feels lovely.
No grey hairs, im blond! but has been falling out more??!!
I have been having the pains when i cough/laugh/etc, im presuming its ligaments stretching? i have to hold my tummy when i cough, it feels like a 'stitch'!
my question bras...any good ones? when started to wear them? any good bargins? especially bras in bigger sizes. any that look nice, not just plain white!!?? underwire to wear or not????
Sorry i missed some questions, which is a bit odd. sorry. the last entery i saw was about tumy pains.silly me. oh well, the next person could answer mine and the nursery question by michelle...that ok? sorry xxxxx
Bras, if anyone could give me one that could really support my breast!!!!! I bought a pack of 2 in mothercare for £22, mine were plain white because of the size of them but smaller people can have some nice one on sale in mothercare, if the sales are still on. I was already a 36 E before pregnancy becaue I am not a small girl but when I went in mothercare they measured me and it was 38 F, which am not pleased at all and since then, I think it got bigger because even those bras start to feel squashy. Because my breast is so heavy and with the heat, even when it is not hot, it gets very sweaty and most of all itchy and uncomfy, but just 4 months to go like this!!!! I have been advised to wear nursing bras from 36 weeks on but no sooner. As far as maternity bra is concerned, it is really when you feel you need extra support but I do not find them that greater support myself but maybe it is due to my size.

My question is : have you started the gym classes, did you find them useful? Do you plan to if not?
Hi Guys,

Reading some of your posts I think I'm a bit behind on my nursery!!!!
Hav'nt even thought about it yet, but then we have put the house up for sale so in my defence I was going to wait and see how that went before making any plans!

In answer to the above question, What gym classes? I havent been to or heard of any :?
I was going to go to a swimming class for 'mums to be' and 'new mums' tomorrow but other than that, nothing.

My question is:

Does anyone else have a huge bump at this stage?
I have been showing since 8 weeks, at 4 months people thought I was 7 months.
My partner came home from work today and said a lady he works with is due around the same time as me and is just showing, Im huge and have been for ages and its definatley not twins!!!!!

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