gah, she too cute to discipline!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i cannot keep a straight face :wall: :lol:

LOL i'm hopeless at discipline! millie does this annoying thing with her juice, she bashes the cup on the laminate floor/highchair/leather couch so theres a pool of juice, then rubs it around merrily with her hands! (she also does this with wee if i leave her nappy off!) :roll:

just now she started cup bashing and i raised my voice a little and said "millie!" and raised my eyebrows and pouted a bit (my best stern face lol!) and shook my head while saying "NO!" and she looked at me with a cheeky monkey smile and copied me- shaking her head and pouting her lips and she just looked so adorable i burst into giggles!

now she's bashing her cup on ME :lol:

how do u keep a straight face?!?! or do i just not discipline her until she's a sullen teenager and not cute any more? :lol:

i'm so rubbish at it right now :wall: :doh:
now she's bashing her cup on ME

:lol: sorry no advice but this made me laugh! :lol: xx
I'm rubbish at telling Moo off too coz she gives me a smile then cuddles me and goes 'ahhhh' :wink:
im rubbish too, Ava is in my bed still and gets up in the night to put her shoes on :D
even at 4am in the morning shes still uber cute :lol: :lol:
It's hard at that age because they are so cute! Even now I have times with Aaron where I can't tell him off. Best thing to do if you know you're gonna laugh or smile is to turn away from them and compose yourself. As they get older and push it more you do become stronger! :lol:
Im rubbish too, not because Hopes cute though shes a little git and shouts back at me and carries one with what she was doing :roll:
Am i the only mean one that tells mine off and keeps a straight face? :lol:
when i tell her off jay just laughs at me and i do keep a straight face :shakehead: but she'll listen to her dad though!

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