Fussing when breast feeding.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
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Mhairi is 19 days old, she has been a really good feeder from day one and has gained nearly a pound since birth. The last week though I've noticed she's been a bit more of a fussy feeder. She is still feeding as often and doesn't seem hungrier or as though she's not getting enough milk. I know my milk is flowing as she usually ends up with it down her chin. Before she would latch on no bother and feed for about half an hour, now she takes a minute or so latch on properly, she kinda mouths and lets go, then latches on again. It's really weird, don't know why she's doing this, any ideas??? it's really annoying and she seems to be sucking differently too, and it can be quite sore, have to keep repositioning her. She has had thrush and is on meds for it, her mouth got a bit sore with it, could this be a reason? She's also not feeding as long and therefore feeding more often! Its really frustrating as we were doing so well to start with!
It does sound like the thrush has had an impact on her feeding. It would make sense as you say her mouth was sore, she might still be a bit sore maybe? Or starting to have negative assocation with boob?

Do you have a breastfeeding support team near you? Might be worth getting in contact, they are absolutely fantastic and will be able to offer you help.

Sorry I can't offer any advice or help, but just keep doing what you were doing and and hopefully she might revert back again. Other than that, the support team is the best bet. They usually come out to you if you need them to also.
Sounds to me like she is just not able to get a latch on that's comfy hun - I know they say that thrush does not hurt them but I would imagine it's rather itchy so it may be just that her mouth is itching......

I am not sure on how to solve the problem tho.....I think you may just have to keep doing what you are doing and if it does not improve see a lactation consultant or pop along to a local breastfeeding group, Obviously if the thrush is no better the doctor too.

I did here that cutting sugar out of your diet can help as it feeds the thrush (I dunno how right this is but it sorta makes sense...)

Good luck hun and keep at it xx
lol Maria got there before me! Very sound advice
Was thinking of going to my local breastfeeding group so will deffo give it a go, thanks guys :) health visitor is coming on Weds and the group is on Thursday so will mention it to both :)

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