Funny things our kids say


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2005
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Callum and Ethan are alwas coming out with things that really make me wonder what they are thinking or were they got it from.

A couple of weeks ago while changing lily's nappie callum asked me "Mummy why do girls have two bums?"

it made me giggle so much
What have your little ones said that have made you laugh?

When i was pregnant with Colby Adele told everyone at the bus stop i was going to push thebaby out of my bum like a big jobby :shock:
wasnt funny at the time but just thinking about it now im laughing so hard igot tears running down my face :rotfl: :rotfl:
When i worked in a nursery one thing a little boy said to me really made me laugh !!!

I was taking him to the toilet and he said "ive only got a little willy.....but you should see my daddys ITS HUGE !!!" :oops:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
stephlw25 said:
When i worked in a nursery one thing a little boy said to me really made me laugh !!!

I was taking him to the toilet and he said "ive only got a little willy.....but you should see my daddys ITS HUGE !!!" :oops:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

lmao!!!! :rotfl:
stephlw25 said:
When i worked in a nursery one thing a little boy said to me really made me laugh !!!

I was taking him to the toilet and he said "ive only got a little willy.....but you should see my daddys ITS HUGE !!!" :oops:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: that is toooo funny lol
:rotfl: I also have another really funny one !!!

When i was going out with my ex, his mum was telling me some funny stories about what he did/said when he was younger....

She said that they were in the middle of tescos once and all of a sudden he say (quite loudly) to his mum.....

" willys gone all hard "

How embarrasing !!!!!!!!!!!! :oops:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

what is it with boys and the fasination with willy's, poo's and bums lol
stephlw25 said:
:rotfl: I also have another really funny one !!!

When i was going out with my ex, his mum was telling me some funny stories about what he did/said when he was younger....

She said that they were in the middle of tescos once and all of a sudden he say (quite loudly) to his mum.....

" willys gone all hard "

How embarrasing !!!!!!!!!!!! :oops:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I would have died!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :oops: :oops:
Dior walks round pulling her top up pointing to her belly saying "boogies" :lol:
:rotfl: out of the mouths of babes :lol:

my grandma had a fall the other week and has been a bit poorly since. my 4 year old niece has picked up on all this and said to my sister " is great grandma dead?" so my sister said no she's just been poorly. so jess said "but she's quite old though isnt she?" Lisa said well she's not that old( she's 82) . Jess: " oh so she's got a few more years left then!" :lol:

Sure grandma would be glad to know she isnt on the scrap heap yet!

my six year old nephew had homework once to list some things that were magnetic and some that werent. he had some help with his first few answers from the teacher but then he was on his own. his first one for non magnetic - a hippopotamus! well its not! :rotfl:

My neice was tellin Kai about a plane that had crashed that she'd heard here mummy talking about (she's 5) Kai said did they die and Mia's reply was yes but dont worry they were all old they would die soon anyway!
HAHAHA - what a fantastic post. Sorry - can't add anything as my 11 month old daughter hasn't really progressed from dadadada mamama yet! Can't wait until she starts talking though!


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