

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2010
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i have been feeling so down recently regarding food. I dont feel too sick just a bit in the morning but food just doesn appeal to me. I literally dont fancy eating anything. Its making me tearful because i really wanna have a healthy balanced diet for baby but i cant physically force myself to eat. I guess im just having a moan but this is so alien to me im not normally a picky eater either. Will this pass
I'm having the same problem. :(
Hopefully it'll pass - I'm 11 weeks now and praying to get some energy and appetite back by tri 2....
My main saviour at the mo is cereal - Shreddies and Shredded wheat. I don't want it, but once I start eating it's fine. I like the occasional Orange. So frustrating. Without the cereal I'd probably be fainting. Hell, half the day I'm asleep anyway. ;)

I've had random "must have" moments - destroyed a chocolate ice cream sundae a few days ago, and I detest chocolate ice cream. Must've just needed the energy. Pregnancy is weird, and so far not much fun.
I'm driving my OH mad. I love my food and I'm hating not fancying anything. Shopping for the week is near impossible! One thing I do love is potatoes (in any form) !!
yeah I guess potatoes are bland so quite easy to eat. Im shopping on a daily basis at the moment and just buying what I fancy but I cant even decide when Im shopping .
Same here, OH just asked what I'd like for tea and I just shrugged. He wants a BBQ. Blergh. Can't think of a single thing I want.
Hope you get your appetite back soon, mine still isn't brilliant and I don't feel sick anymore, there never seems to be much I fancy other than fruit. It's much easier to eat in tri 2 though even though you don't really want it! Maybe you just get used to it!
My appetite is all over the place as well. Im not sick but I find I cant eat alot. DH makes a great dinner and I sit down to it feeling starving but I get about a quarter the way through and i cant manage any more. Its driving me mad!

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