

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2008
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Just wondered how you are all feeling about food lately.
For the last 2 weeks although i have fancied food when its cooked i dont want it and just pick at it and am finding that the only thing i will eat happly is mashed potato.
Are you feeling like this? Is it a stage that will pass?
I really really want to eat food! :wall:

Yeah the same happened with me, I'm passed it now but at about 7 or 8 weeks I was fancying food but it wasn't tasting as great as I had remembered :(

Oddly enough a lot of women in first tri tend to eat things like pasta, potato and starchy/carb foods. Its plain and simple and you can tolerate it. Plus as your body is working overtime, its a good energy boost.

I went off all my usual things and ate masses of pasta with a bit of ketchup mixed in. Lived on it for about 3 weeks. That passed and then I went on to satsumas. Bags of 'em :lol:

I'd keep it plain and simple and eat when you feel like it rather than at times you used to eat at. I ate more in the morning and only picked in the evening. I did however eat lots of fresh fruit and steamed veggies, had to make an effort as I didn't fancy them, but needed the vitamins and so on for me and LO :)
Oh thanks for the reminder Sherlock i havent taken me tablets tonight :wall: what a plonker!
Yesterday I made veggi sausage casoroll and mash potato and I could of eaten double what I made! But tonight I cooked steak, chips and onion and i ate the steak and couldnt force down any of the chips even though when I was cooking it i was starving!!

I cant handle anything acidic...and finding eating fruit impossible it just makes me think of being all sick like a few weeks back. Loooads of potato and rice....ooooo i really want egg fried rice and chicken chop sewy all the time!!
I tried that but it didn't work. I tried to force myself to eat healthier but it just made me feel a bit sick... Just try and eat whatever you can :) All the goodness out of whatever you eat will be taken for you and the baby anyway..

..Do you like yoghurts?

:D I love petit flous(sp)I have looots of them in the fridge. I wanted frubes but refused to pay £3 for a small box.
..Do you like yoghurts?
I hate things like that :roll: I'm abit of a fussy cow when it come to food.

I was doing really well, eating fruit, veg making sure i eat 3 meals aday, cos i never used to eat breakfast.

Now i dont want to eat breakfast, lunch i'll force myself to eat a sandwich or jacket potato, and tea i'm cooking food i would normally eat and just leave it, but i've also gone off picking food like shortbread (Which i love) and chocolate! Whats happening to me :?
Im the same on the chocolate thing,...i cant even think of eating it makes me feel ill! Theres still a huuuge tin of celebrations and a box of all gold un-eaten since christmas. when usualy I would of eaten it all in a day!!!
I went through that too! We had tonnes of mash, boiled veg and meat (though I passed the meat to OH a lot of the time if I couldn't manage it!) with gravy! Sounds a lot but my portions would fit on a side plate rather than dinner plate!

If it wasn;t that, then just a bowl of cereal or some fruit or crumpets.

If I eat in the evenings now, my stomach doesn't seem to settle before bed, so try to eat by about 6:30 latest and that's my done for the day! x
HideiLu said:
I went through that too! We had tonnes of mash, boiled veg and meat (though I passed the meat to OH a lot of the time if I couldn't manage it!) with gravy! Sounds a lot but my portions would fit on a side plate rather than dinner plate!

If it wasn;t that, then just a bowl of cereal or some fruit or crumpets.

If I eat in the evenings now, my stomach doesn't seem to settle before bed, so try to eat by about 6:30 latest and that's my done for the day! x

(Sorry to take over the thread...) This is technically your last day in First Tri Lucie! Save me a seat over there!! xx

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