Fundal height Measurements


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2012
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according to my chart at 33 weeks 4 days i should mesaure between 31-34 cm my Oh and sister (who's a nurse) have checked it and its coming up at 37cm am concerned that baby is off the chart atm it says i shouldnt be that big til 37 weeks.
have MW tomorrow and don't want to be unprepared incase she sends me hospital for a scan or to be monitored. Has anyone had this happen to them? if so what happened when they measured and it was bigger what did they do?

i already am at risk as baby has only 9.9% Amniotic Fluid which gave them cause for concern, and have been in pain all day n so far tonight (its not labour)

Thank you x x x
My m/w didn't rate the fundal measurement at all. It's so different for people. It depends who does the measuring, the position of the baby etc. I'd try not to look into that too much x
I've measured big all the way thru.. I'm now measuring 45cm! but mw Was concerned so she sent me to get growth scans and at 36 weeks baby weighed 6 pound 12 so looks like I'm just having a big bub!
Hi at my 32week app i was measuring 38weeks. they sent me for a scan and baby is quite big, at 33weeks exactly he was 5lbs 9oz but a lot of the time you can get different measurments so ive herd.
ah cuz i went for a scan last week and they were concerned as his AF was below 9.9% and he was already weighting in at 7lb 1oz and i had 7 weeks left to go. They never measured my bump then and the woman doing the scan said he was about 2-3 weeks further than i am.
Am worried. Well will find out tomorrow for Defo hopsfully x x x
7lbs 1oz at 33weeks? :eek: you must be either further on or having a huge baby lol i was told mine was big lol
:shock: my l/o was born at 36+6 at 7lbs and that was classed as big. Are u sure of dates?
its all baby i get proper elbows coming out and feet and can tell where toes are, have been in pain since i was 28 weeks due to his size. They said he'd be big but i am 6ft 3 so its no surprise he'd be big. i am the same size as i was full term plus 1 week with my daughter, now and she was born 7lb 5oz with 30% water. So am hoping they consider Inducing me early as i am meant to be seeing an obstetrition on thursday about delivery. x x x
:shock: my l/o was born at 36+6 at 7lbs and that was classed as big. Are u sure of dates?

yeah hunni as it was meant to be twins and i lost one around 7 weeks, was having scans from 3 weeks pregnant due to problems my date been the same since then. x x x
It is worth baring in mind that just because they say baby is so and so weight, it's not always accurate :)

I was induced on my due date because they thought I was gonna be having a 10lb plus baby. Turns out she was only 8lb 6oz. I would say take the estimated weights with a pinch of salt :)
you have too hunni. they got my friends baby weight wrong saying she would be 4lb odd she was born 7lb 2oz but that is in staffordshire x x x
i am currently 3 cm over the highest 'line' in my chart. She said if i carry on being too big I will be sent for 32 week growth scan. I am 29.6 weeks.
Whats gest diabetes got to do with it? I have my GTT on Thurs x
My bump always measured fine but a 36 week scan showed estimated weight of 9lb 8oz I was Induced at 38 weeks and he was 10lb 0.5oz but I was diagnosed diabetic at 37 weeks!
hey hun

i dont really rate the fundal measurement thing and like my mw said to me it depends on who does it as consultants havent got the proper training for it, were as mw have to go on a course to learn to do fundal measurement correct!!

she also said the procedure had changed and you dont have to measure 30cm to be 30 weeks!! she said my chart recommend i measure 33cm at 30 weeks and i measured smaller i still only measure 36 now when i shud measure bigger i think its to do with height, origin and weight now what they estimate you to be as that is what my chart says :)

as for your AF 9.9 i wouldnt worry to much mine has been up and down since 28 weeks the lowest being 5.8 but then it went back up and down i dunno how many times, i have had that many checks over it and consultant said they will only consider induction if it goes below 5 or baby weight slows/stops and if bolod flow form you to baby is not good

fx is all is ok for you hun and try not to worry to much xxxxx
I wouldnt worry, I measured 35 cm at 28 weeks and 38 cm at 32 weeks, i was sent for a growth scan and was told i had a litle more fluid than normal but nothing to worry about and at 28 weeks baby was weighing aroun 3.5lbs!, im due for another growth scan on tuesday to see how much shes gained since, my due dates 10th June but im not sure il last till then, people look at me like iv got 2 heads when i tell them how long iv got left !! :) xxx
@ starstruck gestational diabetes can lead to larger babies due to the extra sugar they get.

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