Fun times...


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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Hi everyone,

I'm sat on a lounger on my last day on my jollies and I feel emotionally recovered from last month's madness!!

I'm on day 10 of my cycle, I read the 'sperm meets egg plan' and my husband and I have had 'fun times' ;-) on day 8, today and I'm hoping if I ovulate the same as last month (day 12 and 13) then we'll be in with a chance.

Please can I ask a favour, I'm always positive before I ovulate and then I turn into a psycho!
Will you please tell me to get a grip! I've never let anything take over as much as I did last month. I was a mess! I'm just scared my positive attitude with be taken over by craziness!

I think I have accepted that it will take time and I'm determined to make it the most fun. It's also dawned on me that when I am pregnant my life will change forever and whilst I want a family I'm happy with the freedom and independence I currently have so I'm going to make the most of it before I get a sticky Bean!!

Good luck to you this cycle ;-)

Everyone needs to get a grip :)

Yes you, and you, and you! Especially you!

And maybe me... but not much :whistle:

Good luck Joey, i love that positive stage right before we turn into pyschos ;)
That really made me laugh!! ;-)

I going to do everything I can to keep this positive attitude, I'll be shocked if I can!!

Good luck to you!

Keep up the positive attitude :) i've just got back from my jollies and although whilst i was there we got lots of nookie in and i was wishing like mad that it might be our lucky month i did look around and realise that once we have kids everything is gonna change and we're not just going to be able to go out or go on holiday when we want to, not that it's a bad thing but like you im going to enjoy my freedom ehile it lasts although i hope it doesnt last for toooo long lol :0) xx
I know it sounds crazy but I feel like I have had a lightbulb moment on holiday. I've seen so many happy couples with kids and I do know that will be me one day, however long it takes but at the moment I have a happy life with a wonderful husband. I'm appreciating him more after this break as he's always there for me and he's my best friend. When our family arrives then there will be a lot less 'us' time.

The + of not having a child just yet:

More money!
More sleep!
Freedom, flexibility and independence

The - of not having a child right now:

The longing and emotional strain of ttc
Energy, not sure I'll have enough the older I get
Selfish ways - shopping, going out etc

Add to the list, it might make us feel better over the next few weeks!

hey joey,
i'm on cd10 too, and have turned into a psycho 2 months running, not just after ov! i'm just going to go with it this's just nice to know i'm not alone.
good luck
Good luck for this month. We were at a wedding yesterday and a lot of friends were commenting on how they have to get up at 6am every morning etc with their kids. Part of me did think we were very lucky being able to enjoy a good lie in at the moment!

We are going to try and have a really chilled month. OH is away for some of it, but hopefully that will be before ovulation. I will still use OPKs as it helps me to know when AF is due.

Apart from that we're just hoping to enjoy ourselves!
Hi flisstebbs, glad someone else is on cd 10, cd 11 today. I'm hoping I Ovu soon!

Secrethope, I hope this is your month! I'm just dreading going back to normality after my holiday but I'm going to try my very best to keep calm and balanced. If it happens that would be magical, if not then another month of making the most of things.

I've had vino every night and the odd vodka so if drinking does effect things then I'm stuffed this month anyway!! ;-)

Good luck and sending PMA to everyone!

Hey ladies,

I am trying to do the same and chill out which goes fine til the 2ww!! I'm on cd12 but dont usually ov til around cd18 but we should all be in some part of the 2ww together so can help keep each other sane. The list is a great idea too as like you say it will happen in time and it's good to remeber all the positives until then.

Shame we couldn't have one big pf meet up - that would be great x
Good luck hun and yeah enjoy the freedom while you can, although nothing can beat the first time you hold your newborn. Baby dust to you all xx
Hi ladies!

I'm back from my holiday and still feeling positive, thank the Lord!!

I'm hoping I Ovu soon, had ewcm the last couple of days (sorry if tmi) so will test tomorrow.

Positive energy to you all and I hope this cycle is a success!

Have a fab week and enjoy your 'fun times'! ;-)
Hi ladies!

How is everyone? I have had mild urges to turn into a psycho but I'm battling it!

No positive Ovu yesterday which was cd12. Just wish it was the same each month. I certainly feel like I'm ovulating, cramps etc so we'll see tonight.

I still bd last night so hopefully whenever I Ovu I'll be in with a chance.

Positive vibes to all!

i have been a bit like you for the last couple of months hun. then i realised it wasnt getting me anywhere or if anything it was just making things worse!! so i have tried to really chill out. now af is 1 day late and my hpts are really confusing. so i feel like turning pyscho again! but im really really trying to keep cool!!!! good luck xxx
Sounds promising Nicky! You must be on pins right now so well done for keeping it together.

I did another Ovu test which was negative so I'm hoping it will be positive closer to the weekend as my hubby is away with work tomorrow night. I feel like I'm still in that 'hope' stage.

Oh well, time will tell!


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