How could anybody abandon a baby to die!!!!???


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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I was watching this TV programm cold "Found", about babies who were abandoned!! I am all tearfull now! Starting from a 9 months old, abandoned on a deserted hill in the evening till a newborn, who was probably born in the bushes and then put into a plastic bag, in the cold evening!???? :cry: :cry: :cry: My heart just breaks! I think, if you cant have a baby, at least leave him at the hospital, wrapped warm and knowing he is safe! How on earth someone is capable of doing something like that!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: How you can live with it??!!!
tbh I've never understood it... :cry: You can leave a baby anywhere... but why in bins, and plastic bags????

There was a case recently here in Spain... The woman was charged with attempted manslaughter purely because she left the child in the bushes and didn't leave it at a hospital. According to Spanish law she was responsible for murder should the baby have died...
My mum told me that in some European countries the hospitals have places, almost like pigeon holes, where women can leave their babies if they want to abandon them. It is totally anonymous and the baby is constantly in a warm dry environment. I think every hospital should have something like that, I know people will say it would encourage women to abandon their babies but its a million times better than being abandoned in a field or something.

It is so sad when a baby is abandoned :cry:
i read in a magazine about a woman who already had 6 or 8 children and she got pregnant about 6 or 8 MORE times and kept each pregnancy and birth a secret from her husband :shock: she gave birth on the toilet and let them drown in the water, then hid their bodies in plant pots in the garden- all the tiny skeletons were found years later :cry: as a mother i just cant understand how any woman can do that- they must be severely mentally ill :(
trixipaws said:
i read in a magazine about a woman who already had 6 or 8 children and she got pregnant about 6 or 8 MORE times and kept each pregnancy and birth a secret from her husband :shock: she gave birth on the toilet and let them drown in the water, then hid their bodies in plant pots in the garden- all the tiny skeletons were found years later :cry: as a mother i just cant understand how any woman can do that- they must be severely mentally ill :(
:shock: ...jeesus! that woman must have had serious mental problems, it makes your skin crawl doesnt it.

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