
ergh welcome to my world!! all the hospitals round me refuse to tell us what we are having!!!! its so annoying - as soon as we went to our 20week scan there were signs literally EVERYWHERE saying DO NOT ASK! oh well! not much we can do!!!!
We live in an area where the NHS hospitals refuse to tell you the sex. There are signs everywhere telling you "please do not ask the sex as refusual may cause offense". A friend of my aunts was told at her scan that she had a right "wee footballer with all that kicking" - and when she said I take it that means its a boy the sonographer and a total panic and said she could lose her job if anyone found out.

By all accounts all of this came about because a couple was told the wrong sex and sued the health board for Thousands!!

But surely if someone was that desperate to find out the sex they would go private anyway!
And I loved knowing I was having a boy, I managed to get really well prepared beforehand!

id happily sign something to say i wouldnt sue if they were wrong if it meant i could know
I'd be desperate to know the sex but we couldn't afford to go private

Well I think if i didnt have the option I wouldn't be that fussed, but as i did I had to know lol!


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