Fuffins Pain Blog UPDATES pg4-Still in pain this morning :(

Can I be honest?

Like complete sh*te!!

I feel all woozey and dizzy.
Have been sick until there was quite a lot of blood.
Feel really weak.
Have had three baths today to try and ease pain.
Really, really do not feel right.
But as usual, trying to smile :)

I bet you wish you hadn't asked now Sara! :lol:
fuffins1981 said:
Can I be honest?

Like complete sh*te!!

I feel all woozey and dizzy.
Have been sick until there was quite a lot of blood.
Feel really weak.
Have had three baths today to try and ease pain.
Really, really do not feel right.
But as usual, trying to smile :)

I bet you wish you hadn't asked now Sara! :lol:

aww sophie :( i really hope you managed to get some sleep last night :(

i feel so awful for you hun, promise if you get worse you'll go back to hospital :hug: really hoping you're a bit better today :hug:
Have had a bath this morning to try to ease pains. But no such luck. If I go back to the hospital, they just keep telling me I have antenatal and a growth scan on 5th june.

They don't seem to want to look into why I am in so much pain. I have been given about 5 possible reasons. If its not contractions, then they are not interested.

I did sleep well last night thank you :) Think it was shere exhaustion. It is so nice of you to check. Means a lot to me :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: hope you feeling a bit better now :hug: :hug: xxx
fuffins1981 said:
Have had a bath this morning to try to ease pains. But no such luck. If I go back to the hospital, they just keep telling me I have antenatal and a growth scan on 5th june.

They don't seem to want to look into why I am in so much pain. I have been given about 5 possible reasons. If its not contractions, then they are not interested.

I did sleep well last night thank you :) Think it was shere exhaustion. It is so nice of you to check. Means a lot to me :hug:

don't be silly hun! i just can't believe they are leaving you in this pain :(

it's just not fair :( you are always so positive and upbeat too :( really hope this passes soon :hug:

I phoned my mom sobbing today. I was at the train station and was in so much pain I could not walk.

I have spent most this afternoon sitting. But am still in pain.

I really dont know how much more of this I can take. Pain and being sick are ruining my life! :(
You really don't have long now hun :hug: Although I can imagine the prospect of having to endure 5 more weeks of this is a pain in the bum!

I really hope you feel better soon. :hug: Sorry I can't be of more help :( xx
Hi Dannii

Thank you for your message. I can hardly bare to think of the time I have left.

My family feel helpless, so there is even less people on here can do or say. It is just nice to be able to talk to you all :)
Yep! :D And even if all we can do is say we really feel for you and hope you feel better soon, hopefully that makes you feel a little better :hug: xx
I'm sorry hun, it's miserable I know and I didn't have pain as bad as yours. All I can say is close your eyes and think that it's not forever and in only a few weeks you will have your gorgeous little baby in your arms. :hug: :hug:
(TMI)Just had pink stuff come out when I wiped. The clear goo looking stuff.

Urrggghhh :rotfl:

Thank you daftscottslass. I will give it a good go :)

That is exactly Dannii :)

sophie - could you possibly speak to your midwife about the pain you're in? i've known a few people who have been induced when they hit term bc of spd/and other pains.

some midwives are really understanding. obv it would have to go through a consultant etc, but it may be worth it if it takes the pain away quicker?

worth a try hun :hug:
awwww u poor thing, u r soooo brave, hang in there hun xx
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I hope you feel better soon hun, just keep thinking of the end result :D :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
sarafet said:
sophie - could you possibly speak to your midwife about the pain you're in? i've known a few people who have been induced when they hit term bc of spd/and other pains.

some midwives are really understanding. obv it would have to go through a consultant etc, but it may be worth it if it takes the pain away quicker?

worth a try hun :hug:

:)I will see my consultant after my scan on the 5th June. If the baby has grown considerably (was estimated 7.5 lbs at 32+1 weeks) and the liquor has increased (was a 8cm depth)....Then I think he will discuss early delievery options wih me. Probably available from 37 weeks. One of the MW's mentioned this on the ward. So, I do not know how true it is. But I am hoping by 37 weeks, I can push for it.

This morning, guess what?....Am still in pain!! :cheer: :(
But, am relaxing as much as possible. Feeling a lot more upbeat that yesterday. I hope it lasts. Probably will be :cry: again later lol

You girls are a God send to me. This is the best forum :hug: :hug: :hug:
joj said:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I hope you feel better soon hun, just keep thinking of the end result :D :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thank you Jo. I look forward to the day I can text you to update the forum on my labour :lol:

We will probably go the same day :rotfl:

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