

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
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So day 31 of cycle now, think I may have ov'd around 14days ago although no real positive on opk. Did a test this morning and it was a BFN :( Haven't had any symptoms, only thing I am getting is a dull ache in lower abdomen which feels a bit like :witch: is on the way but no sign yet. Do you girls think that this is her on the way or could it just possibly be the cramping that people can get in early pregnancy? Has anyone ever had this as a symptom and got a BFP? Not holding out much hope at the moment-feeling pretty frustrated by the whole thing, sorry about the rant! :)
hi hun i had nothing but cramps and just thought the af was on its way it wasn't and I got a bfp so keep positive this could be it!!
Thanks kellylou and congratulations, was so pleased when I read about your bfp after a week away.
Thanks hun didn't want to believe it still can't really but if it happened to me and I went into it blind it can happen to u all, I keep popping back to keep updated as miss u girls after only a couple of weeks xx
I had really bad cramps before i got my BFP with DD, so much so i had to lie with a hot water bottle and i was crying - really thought AF was about to come, so it does happen. It can be confusing to try to tell the difference between AF cramps and EP cramps.

Hope this is your month Frankie!!
I had af like dull aches v low down before my bfp so fingers crossed for you hon. x
Thanks everyone for your replies, cramps were really bad yesterday, so bad a put a pad on before going to bed! But today they seem to have died away, this afternoon had a bit of like a streching pain across lower abdomen but not like af cramps. What is going on? Think this might be my body mucking me about again. Oh well I shall keep my fingers crossed, thanks for all the support :)
Good Luck Frankie, if you get a BFP will you not have to go away for 3 months? What is it you do, are you in the services like your OH?
Good luck hun,
I'm having the exact same thing at the moment - now 5 days late got a BFN yesterday though - will retest on sunday if no AF by then,
Cramps are easing off today, and my cervix is still high and firm - it normally lowers and softens 1-2 days before AF,
FX for you x x
hi frankie, i had period type pains with my first baby just kept feeling like af was coming but it never did fingers crossed xxxx
I am experiencing the same combined with really bad back ache. I got a BFN on Monday, but still no AF.

I will keep my fingers crossed for a BFP for you.
Still no sign of af - been away at parents so haven't tested - not sure when I am going to because its soooo sad to see that one lonely line!
JJ mum - yeah both me and OH are in the forces, not massively easy to make a baby thsi way!!! If I do get a bfp then I will not be going away - they dont send you to sea if you are pregnant.

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