

Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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Hi ladies! I hope everyone is well.

I know this is going to sound kind of silly but I'm looking for friends :blush:
I don't have any friends where I live and my family don't really bother with me despite my constant effort.
My last pregnancy was very lonely because I developed SPD so I spent 3 months stuck in the house, home alone with no suport. After my son was born I suffered with really bad anxiety, I think I was a little depressed too but mum spent years telling me if you admit it they will take your baby away!! (I know it's not true but when you have heard it for years it kind of sticks). So I thought I would try something different and see if I could make some friends on here, I figured if I developed SPD again at least I would have people to talk to!:)

thank you xx
Hey Mookie :wave:

I thought I'd come in & say "Hi", although I'm over in TTC so I'm kinda gatecrashing Tri-1 :lol:

Sorry to hear about your situation, I can only imagine how lonely it must of been for you :hugs:

Well I'm always on the forum as I get up very early for work & I generally like chatting to the girls on here, they are fab :flower:

So if you wanna chat about anything, I'm always around

hi,welcome to pf. im at the other end of my pregnancy and countin the days down to the birth but ppl on here r really friendly and helpful.

Whereabouts do u live? There maybe some local ladies on here xxx
hey mookie welcome to pf there is alway someone online to chat to even the middle of the night :) sorry you didnt have any support last time round xx
hey, im new to this.. and the girls have been very welcoming.. im sure u'll be fine here :) xx
Welcome hun!

I post regularly too and I'm in Tri 2 for a few more weeks.

We're all here to chat and listen and have personally found it fantastic to have a moan or sound things out.

Hope the nasty SPD doesn't return as I have it myself and it is ugly!

Thank you ladies!

Kezzamunster I don't mind you gate crashing, although I hope you join us in tri 1 very soon. The worst bit was I wasn't prepared for the lack of support, mum always said it would be fantasic and we would be so close, sadly that didn't happen. Even after my emergency c- section I didn't get the support. But this time I won't expect it xx:dust::dust:

Emmamb - You must be very excited! I hope you've had a wonderful nearly 9 months. I'm only 4 weeks but I'm already suffering from baby brain! Take last night for example, I'm a brilliant cook but you should have seen what I did to dinner, I have no idea what happened but I was very thankful I had a take away menu posted through the door!! I currently live in bedfordshire but I'm desperate to move to Norfolk! I know, it's crazy to consider moving while pregnant but I like a challenge :) I hope LO doesn't make you wait too long for his arrival!! xx

Midnight- Thank you for your reply, any names for your little girl yet? I found girls names easier than boys, when I was pregnant with my son (we decided not to find out the sex) I had a girls name the day I found out I was pregnant, took 9 months for me to find a boys name I liked, luckily we picked it just in time, lol! xx
its a good job this 1 is a girl as we cant think of any boys names we now like what so ever haha so far we have rhian and seren but that could change me and the dh dont normally agree on anything lol
Lexusno1- I had SPD from about 5 months, midwife asked for an appointment with a specialist and was told I was going to get a support belt to help. I didn't get the appointment until I was 7 months and was told if you had have come to us sooner we could have done something but it's too late now so here are some really strong pain killers. I didn't want to be drugged up to the eye balls so I just struggled through. I really hope it doesn't come back! I hope your getting lots of rest and your being pampered, you deserve it! xx
Hi Mookie,

I am sorry to hear about your situation! I live a few hours from all of my family so i know that it can be very hard on your own.

PF is a great place to meet people who are going through similar things to you and it can really help!

Feel free to Private message me if you ever want to chat!

Take care and look after yourself.

Awwww thanks Mookie :flower:

I'm currently 13DPO at the mo so I've got my fingers, toes & everything inbetween crossed that I'll be over in Tri1 sooner then you think :yay:

Your defo get all the support you need here hun, this forum is just fantastic

They are both lovely names! I know what you mean we must have been through hundreds, we may have liked it a 9am but by 9pm we had started looking again lol! We have the added problem that OH mother has never learned our son's name so just calls him what she likes, it drives me crazy!! :wall2::wall2:

I'm not looking forward to telling her I'm pregnant, she thinks I'm a fantastic mum but hates me and believes because I suffered from anxiety I couldn't possibly cope with having another child, ever! I'm sure she is going to tell me I should have an abortion :shock: (not telling family until 12 weeks). She will very quickly meet my front door!!:mad:

Anyway sorry for the rant xx
Hey there hun. Sorry to hear about yourprevious pregnancy and lack of support :-(
I hope the next 8 months are a lot easier this time round!

I live in surrey and am currently 13 weeks pregnant - we think! I have dating scan on Tuesday, so time will tell :) My family live 200 miles west of us and the in laws 260 miles north. So I can understand the loneliness. I hope you manage to find some friends on here x x
hello! I am new on here too Mookie, and its my first pregnancy, so i have been worrying about every little thing, and this forum and the people on it are great. they have settled my mind without even knowing it so many times! i usually on here at silly o clock in the morning because of my working hours if you ever want to chat. i am not good with advice as i am a total newbie to all this pregnancy stuff though!!
Hi Mookie!!

Sorry your feeling lonely, I know how it feels! I currently live in Singapore, and am very lonely! Never really made many friends here and since finding out I'm pregnant I've never felt so far away from home!!!

Really miss my mum and sister, and feel down a lot not wanting to go through this alone...... But the forum is great for just feeling more secure about what your going through.

Hope you find the support you need, and it'll make you feel better, I'm happy to chat whenever, I can't offer advice as I'm clueless but I can listen!!
Hi Mookie, I am totally new to this forum I only joined yesterday because I was going out of my mind with panic about every little thing (only got my BFP 3 days ago!!). I think your in the right place for making friends, I have a feeling I will be on here ALL the time lol, I'm off work after suffering a bit of a break down with work related stress and depression, so any time you want to talk about your anxiety worries I'm here for you hon as I know how you feel, I have had to stop taking my anti depressants the day I got my result and I am so nervous I wont be able to cope, but I have a lot of support from my OH.
Dont ever be lonely, come on here and we'll all be here for you x
Hi Mookie! I love your name, we call our cat Mookie as a nickname - where did you get it from? Welcome to pf, this will keep you entertained if you're stuck in the house, I lose hours on here by accident! Congratulations on your second pregnancy and I hope you don't get hit with SPD again. How do you pronounce your son's name? It's lovely, really unusual :). Loads of people suffer from anxiety and struggle after birth - sounds like your mother and mil have been more hinderance than help to you so far. As you say though, at least you know what to expect this time round from them.
Hi everyone!

I had a bit of a panic attack on sunday night, my dad works abroad and was going to a new place, I was terrified that he would leave and something would happen to him and he would never know I was pregnant. OH decided the best thing to do would be to tell them because with my first pregnancy my mum's dad had cancer and OH and I deperately ttc before he died but I found out I was pregnant a little too late, I feel so guilty for it and never coped with his death.
Well we told my parents and they responded by saying 'oh' and then decided to call me silly for the panic attack!

Cantstop- Hi :wave:

I loved cows growing up so had the nickname 'moo' as I grew up it grew with me and evolved into mookie! My son's name is pronounced Kade-a-rin, we wanted something a little different, currently he is nickname is beaky because he is so nosey! Was telling OH the baby is the size of a poppy seed, beaky was listening and now calls my tummy poppy! He is so cute!!
My relationship with my MIL is awful, she causes me so much stress and makes my life hell and I have to see her every other weekend!!! MIL is the one that kick started my anxiety and I'm terrified about what will happen when I give birth. Thats part of the reason I want to move to Norfolk xxx
Hey Mookie :wave:

So sorry you didn't get the response you wanted from your folks, I thought parents would normally be over the moon to find out they have another grandchild on the way, it's the most beautiful thing in the world

Sending you the biggest :hugs: ever


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